الطبيعة القانونية للضرر المرتد في ضوء التشريعات النافذة في فلسطين
موسى نواش موسى زيدات
Mousa Nawash Mousa Zeedat
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Al-Quds University
تناولت الدراسة بالبحث موضوع الطبيعة القانونية للضرر المرتد في ضوء مجلة الاحكام العدلية، وذلك من خلال اتباع المنهج التحليلي الوصفي، بالنظر إلى التشريعات الفلسطينية الناظمة لهذا الموضوع، وقد تمحورت إشكالية الدراسة في التطرق إلى أي مدى كانت الأحكام العامة المنظمة للضرر المرتد في مشروع القانون المدني الفلسطيني والتشريعات السارية في دولة فلسطين ملائمة للمحافظة على حقوق المضرور بالارتداد؟
وانقسمت الدراسة إلى فصلين، حمل الفصل الأول عنوان ماهية الضرر المرتد وأساسه القانوني حيث سنبين في المبحث الأول المقصود بالضرر المرتد وفي المبحث الثاني التنظيم القانوني للضرر المرتد في النظام القانوني الفلسطيني، وقد تطرق الباحث في الفصل الثاني إلى التعويض عن الضرر المرتد، حيث سنبين في المبحث الأول الآثار المترتبة على التعويض عن الضرر المرتد وسنعرج في المبحث الثاني إلى سلطة المحكمة في تقدير التعويض عن الضرر المرتد.
وقد توصلت الدراسة في نهايتها إلى مجموعة من النتائج والتوصيات التي نأمل أن يستفيد منها العاملون في المجالات المرتبطة بالقانون الفلسطيني، ومن أبرز النتائج التي توصل لها الباحث أن التشريعات المدنية الفلسطينية النافذة خلت من الإشارة بشكل مباشرة إلى الضرر المرتد، وتمت الإشارة إليه في مشروع القانون المدني الفلسطيني لعام 2012، كما ونجد أن الضرر المرتد يختلف عن الضرر الأصلي والضرر الموروث في أن الضرر الأصلي سابق للضرر المرتد، وأن الضرر الموروث ينفصل عن الضرر المرتد، ويتطلب إقامة الضرر المرتد توافر شروط من ضمنها وجود ضرر أصلي مرتبط بالضرر المرتد، رابطة بين الضرر المرتد كعلاقة مثل ذوي قربى وعلاقة مالية، وتوافر علاقة سببية، ومن أبرز التوصيات ضرورة الإقرار بحق التعويض عن الضرر الأدبي المرتد في حالة الإصابة غير المميتة بالإضافة إلى حالات الوفاة إذ أن الإصابة غير المميتة قد تكون ذات آثار نفسية أكثر شدة من تلك التي تخلفها الوفاة وهو ما يجعل تعويضها واجباً، بالتالي يجب أن يدخلها المشرع في نطاق تعويض الأضرار التي تقبل التعويض بنص مشروع القانون المدني الفلسطيني في المادة 187 فقرة 2 كما نقترح على القضاء تطبيق هذه التوصية إلى أن يقر المشرع التعويض عنها، كما ونوصي المشرع الفلسطيني بإقرار مشروع القانون المدني الفلسطيني والتأكيد على الضرر المرتد بشكل مباشر.
The study dealt with researching the issue of the nature of reciprocating damage in light of the Journal of Judicial Judgments, by following the model of comparative descriptive analysis, looking at the Palestinian legislation regulating this topic, preventing discrimination and jurisprudence in several countries. The problem of the study revolved around discrimination to what extent. The general regulation of restitution damage in the draft Palestinian Civil Code and the legislation in force in the State of Palestine is partly to preserve the rights required by reversion? The study was divided into two chapters. The first chapter was titled “The nature of reciprocal damage and its legal basis.” The first section will explain what is meant by reciprocating damage, and the second section will explain the legal regulation of reciprocating damage in the Palestinian legal system. In the second chapter, the researcher touched on compensation for reciprocating damage, as the first section will explain the The court’s authority to estimate compensation for apostate damage, and in the second section, it will refer to the effects of compensation for apostate damage. At the end of the study, the study reached a set of results and recommendations that it is hoped will benefit those working in the law in the Palestinian legal system. One of the most prominent results that the researcher reached in the thesis is that there are no direct texts in the Journal of Judicial Judgments regulating apostate damage. We also find that it varies. The apostate damage is separate from the original damage and the inherited damage, in that the original damage precedes the apostate damage, and that the inherited damage is separated from the apostate damage, and establishing apostate damage requires the availability of conditions, including the presence of original damage linked to the apostate damage, a link between the apostate damage such as a relationship such as relatives and a financial relationship, and the availability of causal relationship, Among the most prominent recommendations of the researcher in the thesis is that we recommend to the legislator the necessity of recognizing the right to compensation for moral damage incurred in the case of non-fatal injury, in addition to cases of death, since the non-fatal injury may have more severe psychological effects than those caused by death, which makes its compensation obligatory. Therefore, it must be The legislator includes within the scope of compensation damages that are subject to compensation according to the text of the Palestinian draft civil law in Article 187, paragraph 2. We also suggest that the judiciary implement this recommendation until the legislator approves compensation for it. We also recommend that the Palestinian legislator approve the draft Palestinian civil law and emphasize direct reciprocal damage.
The study dealt with researching the issue of the nature of reciprocating damage in light of the Journal of Judicial Judgments, by following the model of comparative descriptive analysis, looking at the Palestinian legislation regulating this topic, preventing discrimination and jurisprudence in several countries. The problem of the study revolved around discrimination to what extent. The general regulation of restitution damage in the draft Palestinian Civil Code and the legislation in force in the State of Palestine is partly to preserve the rights required by reversion? The study was divided into two chapters. The first chapter was titled “The nature of reciprocal damage and its legal basis.” The first section will explain what is meant by reciprocating damage, and the second section will explain the legal regulation of reciprocating damage in the Palestinian legal system. In the second chapter, the researcher touched on compensation for reciprocating damage, as the first section will explain the The court’s authority to estimate compensation for apostate damage, and in the second section, it will refer to the effects of compensation for apostate damage. At the end of the study, the study reached a set of results and recommendations that it is hoped will benefit those working in the law in the Palestinian legal system. One of the most prominent results that the researcher reached in the thesis is that there are no direct texts in the Journal of Judicial Judgments regulating apostate damage. We also find that it varies. The apostate damage is separate from the original damage and the inherited damage, in that the original damage precedes the apostate damage, and that the inherited damage is separated from the apostate damage, and establishing apostate damage requires the availability of conditions, including the presence of original damage linked to the apostate damage, a link between the apostate damage such as a relationship such as relatives and a financial relationship, and the availability of causal relationship, Among the most prominent recommendations of the researcher in the thesis is that we recommend to the legislator the necessity of recognizing the right to compensation for moral damage incurred in the case of non-fatal injury, in addition to cases of death, since the non-fatal injury may have more severe psychological effects than those caused by death, which makes its compensation obligatory. Therefore, it must be The legislator includes within the scope of compensation damages that are subject to compensation according to the text of the Palestinian draft civil law in Article 187, paragraph 2. We also suggest that the judiciary implement this recommendation until the legislator approves compensation for it. We also recommend that the Palestinian legislator approve the draft Palestinian civil law and emphasize direct reciprocal damage.
زيدات، موسى نواش. (2024). الطبيعة القانونية للضرر المرتد في ضوء التشريعات النافذة في فلسطين [رسالة ماجستير منشورة، جامعة القدس، فلسطين]. المستودع الرقمي لجامعة القدس.