جدار الفصل وآثاره على مستقبل الأراضي الفلسطينية
امتياز محمد ديب شبير
Emtiaz Moh'd Deeb Shbair
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Al-Quds University
تسعى هذه الدراسة إلى تبيان مدى خطورة بناء الجدار ، وتداعياته على الشعب 2007 م " ، والتعرف على تأثير الجدار على مناحي الحياة - الفلسطيني في الفترة ما بين " 2002 الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والصحية والتعليمية والسياسية و الموارد المائية .فمن الناحية الاقتصادية : أرادت السلطات الإسرائيلية تقطيع أوصال الوطن الواحد ، وحرصت
على وضع العراقيل التي تحول دون تنقل البضائع الفلسطينية في فلسطين ، ونجحت السلطات الإسرائيلية في تجريف الأراضي الزراعية وتدمير مساحات شاسعة منها، لصالح الاستيطان وبناء الجدار . أما من الناحية الاجتماعية : عملت إسرائيل من خلال الجدار على الحد من التنقل داخل الأراضي الفلسطينية ، فلا يوجد تواصل بين الفلسطينيين أنفسهم ، وفي بعض الأحيان تحول دون الوصول إلى عائلاتهم . وكانت الناحية الصحية : الأسوأ ببناء الجدار ، فمنذ بناء الجدار تزايدت أعداد الفقراء ، وازداد سوء التغذية علاوة على عزل المرضى ، وإبعاد الكثير عن المراكز الصحية في الأراضي
الفلسطينية ، مما أدى إلى ارتفاع نسبة الوفيات في المجتمع الفلسطيني . أما من الناحية التعليمية : فتأثرت تأثيرًا سلبيًا بسبب الإغلاق ، ومنع المدرسين من الوصول إلى مدارسهم ، مما أدى إلى ضعف التحصيل لدى الطلاب ، وهذا ما ظهر جليًا لتحقيق المساعي الإسرائيلية . أما من الناحية السياسية : حيث يسلب الجدار حق الشعب الفلسطيني في تقرير مصيره على
الأرض. وأثر الجدار بشكل مباشر على الموارد المائية في الأراضي الفلسطينية ، فإسرائيل تقيم الجدار
على أفضل مخزون مائي في الضفة الغربية ، ليتسنى لها إقامة المستعمرات الإسرائيلية . كما يرى الباحث في هذا الموضوع ، أن موقف الدول من الجدار تراوح ما بين المعارض والموافق والصامت ، فنلاحظ المعارضة الشديدة للجدار في الموقف العربي الرسمي .أما بالنسبة لموقف الأمم المتحدة والمجتمع الدولي فجاء موقفها بالرفض أيضًا مكم ً لا للمواقف
العربية ما عدا الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية التي عملت وما زالت تعمل في الخفاء مع إسرائيل في دعمها لبناء الجدار .
وكذلك جاء موقف المنظمات الدولية رافضًا لفكرة الجدار وتداعياته مدافعًا عن حقوق الإنسان في الأراضي الفلسطينية ، لأنها رأت أن الإنسان الفلسطيني يعيش حالة من الفقر ، والضيق الاقتصادي ، وقلة المعونة ، وسوء التغذية التي يعانيها من بناء الجدار ، ومن هذه المنظمات (منظمة هيومن رايتس –ووتش ، منظمة العفو الدولية ، ومنظمات حقوق الإنسان الفلسطينية)
أما بالنسبة للقانون الدولي فيرى أن الجدار الذي تقيمه إسرائيل في عمق الأراضي الفلسطينية مخالفًا للاتفاقيات الموقعة بين الجانبين منذ اتفاق أوسلو ، وما تم عقده من اتفاقيات بين الجانبين الفلسطيني والإسرائيلي ، وبذلك يكون الجدار غير قانوني من الناحية العملية ولا يجوز لإسرائيل بناءه وهو مخالف لاتفاقيات جنيف ولاهاي . وتهدف هذه الدراسة إلى الكشف عن الخطورة التي تكمن من وراء بناء الجدار في الأراضي الفلسطينية ، وفي إلقاء الضوء على تداعيات بناء الجدار على السكان الفلسطينيين ، وفي التعمق بأبعاد المشروع الصهيوني القائم على السيطرة على الأرض ، وإلى توضيح العلاقة بين بناء
الجدار وعلاقته بمستقبل ، وحيا ة ، ومصير الشعب الفلسطيني ، وبيان الانتهاك الإسرائيلي للأراضي الفلسطينية ، والتأكيد على أهمية قرار محكمة العدل الدولية الذي تم إصداره لصالح الفلسطينيين .ولقد استخدم الباحث المنهج التاريخي لسرد الحقائق التاريخية المتعلقة ببناء الجدار ، وأهدافه ، وتأثيراته ، وربطه بالمنهج الوصفي في إظهار النتائج المتعلقة بالجدار ، والتي أثرت سلبًا هعلى مناحي الحياة للمواطن الفلسطيني ، وسيقوم الباحث باستخدام المنهج التحليلي من خلال
جمع البيانات والمعلومات التي توصلت إليها بعض المصادر ، والهيئات ، والمؤسسات المستقلة، وبعض المراكز الإحصائية لبيان الخطورة التي يتعرض لها شعبنا الفلسطيني . وخلصت الدراسة إلى مجموعة من النتائج والتوصيات أهمها :
دور الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية في دعم إسرائيل ، وإبراز حجم الخسائر الفادحة التي لحقت بالشعب الفلسطيني في مختلف مناحي الحياة ، وسعي إسرائيل الدائم في تفريغ مدينة القدس المحتلة من العرب ، وأن إسرائيل مستمرة في بنائها للجدار ، ومصادرة الأراضي ، وهدم البيوت ، وبذلك إسرائيل تفرض نفسها بالقوة على أرض الواقع . ومن التوصيات :
2004 م ، والعمل على /7/ التركيز على الفتوى الصادرة عن محكمة العدل الدولية بتاريخ 9
الاتصال بالمنظمات ، والحكومات العربية والإسلامية لحشد كل الطاقات من أجل قضية الجدار،
وضرورة القيام بدراسات وأبحاث وصفية تتضمن استبيانات توزع على سكان المناطق
المتضررة من الجدار ، ومناشدة الأمم المتحدة ومجلس الأمن على إرسال بعثات دولية لمراقبة
الممارسات الإسرائيلية تجاه الشعب الفلسطيني .
This study seeks to demonstrate the seriousness of the construction of the wall and its repercussions on the Palestinian people in the period between 2002 and 2007, and to identify the impact of the separation wall on the various aspects of the social, political and economic life in the Palestinian territories. On the economic part, Israel insisted to separate the Palestinians economically from the outer community by the segmentation of the country. It also insisted on drawing limitations and obstacles to prevent the movement of the Palestinian goods to the Palestinian market. The Israeli authority succeeded in destroying a good deal of the agricultural lands in the interest of the building of the wall. On the social part, Israel, throughout the wall, limited the movement of the Palestinians inside the Palestinian land where there is no contact between the Palestinians themselves and sometimes prevents access to their families. But it was the worst on the part of health, since the construction of the separation wall, poverty increased and malnutrition escalated in addition to the isolation of many health centers which serve the citizens, this had the biggest role in the deterioration of the sanitarian situation in the Palestinian lands. While the educational sector was affected by the closure and preventing students and teachers from reaching their schools. Which negatively affected both students and teachers and reflected on the academic achievement and this is what Israel seeks to achieve.On the political part, the construction of the wall denies the Palestinian people their right of self-determination on their land.The water resources were greatly affected by the separation wall since Israel builds the wall upon the best water storage in the West Bank where it holds colonies. The researcher believes in this topic that the attitudes of the countries towards the wall swings between approval, refusal and silence. We observe the strong refusal of the wall in the official Arab stance. Concerning the United Nations and the International Community's position, which also rejected the construction of the wall except the United States of America which worked and still working in the dark with Israel supporting the separation wall. Defending human rights in the Palestinian lands, the international organizations rejected the idea of the wall, since they saw that the Palestinian people lives a case of sever poverty, economic hardship, lack of support and malnutrition which the Palestinians suffer as a result of the wall. Organizations including (Human Rights – Watch Organization – International Amnest Organization and Palestinian Human Rights Amnesty).The international law believes that the wall which is held by Israel in the depth of the Palestinian lands is illegal and completely opposing the signed agreements between the two parties since the Oslo agreement or whatever contracted agreements between the Palestinians and the Israelis, thus the wall is practically illegal and Israel has no right to build it when it breaks the agreements of Hague and Geneva. This study also seeks to detect the dangerous effects behind the construction of the separation wall in the Palestinian territories in shedding the light on the repercussions of building the wall on the Palestinian population and going in depth with the dimensions of the Zionist project based on controlling the land. It also aims to clarify the relationship between the construction of the wall and the future, life and destiny of the Palestinian people, to show the Israeli violation of the Palestinian territories, and to emphasize the importance of the decision of the International Court of Justice, which was declared in favor of the Palestinians. The researcher used the historical approach to narrate the historical facts which are related to the construction of the wall, its aims, its impact and linking it with the use of the descriptive method to show the results related to the separation wall which negatively affected the life of the Palestinian citizen. The researcher will use the analytical approach by collecting data and information obtained by some sources, agencies, independent institutions, and some statistical centers to demonstrate the risk against the Palestinian people. The study found a set of conclusions and recommendations including: The role of the United States of America in support of Israel, and the magnitude of the heavy losses suffered by the Palestinian people in various walks of life. Israel's Permanent quest to unload the occupied city of Jerusalem from the Arabs and that Israel continues in wall construction, land confiscation, house demolitions, so that Israel imposes itself by force on the ground. To insist on the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on 9-7-2004 and to contact Arab governments and Muslim countries to mobilize all energies to the cause of the wall. The need to conduct studies and descriptive researches include questionnaires distributed to the inhabitants of areas affected by the wall, and appeal to the United Nations and the Security Council to send mission to monitor the Israeli practices against the Palestinian people.
This study seeks to demonstrate the seriousness of the construction of the wall and its repercussions on the Palestinian people in the period between 2002 and 2007, and to identify the impact of the separation wall on the various aspects of the social, political and economic life in the Palestinian territories. On the economic part, Israel insisted to separate the Palestinians economically from the outer community by the segmentation of the country. It also insisted on drawing limitations and obstacles to prevent the movement of the Palestinian goods to the Palestinian market. The Israeli authority succeeded in destroying a good deal of the agricultural lands in the interest of the building of the wall. On the social part, Israel, throughout the wall, limited the movement of the Palestinians inside the Palestinian land where there is no contact between the Palestinians themselves and sometimes prevents access to their families. But it was the worst on the part of health, since the construction of the separation wall, poverty increased and malnutrition escalated in addition to the isolation of many health centers which serve the citizens, this had the biggest role in the deterioration of the sanitarian situation in the Palestinian lands. While the educational sector was affected by the closure and preventing students and teachers from reaching their schools. Which negatively affected both students and teachers and reflected on the academic achievement and this is what Israel seeks to achieve.On the political part, the construction of the wall denies the Palestinian people their right of self-determination on their land.The water resources were greatly affected by the separation wall since Israel builds the wall upon the best water storage in the West Bank where it holds colonies. The researcher believes in this topic that the attitudes of the countries towards the wall swings between approval, refusal and silence. We observe the strong refusal of the wall in the official Arab stance. Concerning the United Nations and the International Community's position, which also rejected the construction of the wall except the United States of America which worked and still working in the dark with Israel supporting the separation wall. Defending human rights in the Palestinian lands, the international organizations rejected the idea of the wall, since they saw that the Palestinian people lives a case of sever poverty, economic hardship, lack of support and malnutrition which the Palestinians suffer as a result of the wall. Organizations including (Human Rights – Watch Organization – International Amnest Organization and Palestinian Human Rights Amnesty).The international law believes that the wall which is held by Israel in the depth of the Palestinian lands is illegal and completely opposing the signed agreements between the two parties since the Oslo agreement or whatever contracted agreements between the Palestinians and the Israelis, thus the wall is practically illegal and Israel has no right to build it when it breaks the agreements of Hague and Geneva. This study also seeks to detect the dangerous effects behind the construction of the separation wall in the Palestinian territories in shedding the light on the repercussions of building the wall on the Palestinian population and going in depth with the dimensions of the Zionist project based on controlling the land. It also aims to clarify the relationship between the construction of the wall and the future, life and destiny of the Palestinian people, to show the Israeli violation of the Palestinian territories, and to emphasize the importance of the decision of the International Court of Justice, which was declared in favor of the Palestinians. The researcher used the historical approach to narrate the historical facts which are related to the construction of the wall, its aims, its impact and linking it with the use of the descriptive method to show the results related to the separation wall which negatively affected the life of the Palestinian citizen. The researcher will use the analytical approach by collecting data and information obtained by some sources, agencies, independent institutions, and some statistical centers to demonstrate the risk against the Palestinian people. The study found a set of conclusions and recommendations including: The role of the United States of America in support of Israel, and the magnitude of the heavy losses suffered by the Palestinian people in various walks of life. Israel's Permanent quest to unload the occupied city of Jerusalem from the Arabs and that Israel continues in wall construction, land confiscation, house demolitions, so that Israel imposes itself by force on the ground. To insist on the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on 9-7-2004 and to contact Arab governments and Muslim countries to mobilize all energies to the cause of the wall. The need to conduct studies and descriptive researches include questionnaires distributed to the inhabitants of areas affected by the wall, and appeal to the United Nations and the Security Council to send mission to monitor the Israeli practices against the Palestinian people.