الضمانات القانونية العامة للاستثمار في القانون الفلسطيني
سهام عبد السلام يوسف شاهين
Siham Abdasalam Shaheen
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Al-Quds University
ركزت هذه الدراسة على الضمانات القانونية العامة للاستثمارات حسب قانون تشجيع الاستثمار الفلسطيني رقم (1) لسنة 1998 و تعديلاته، ومقارنتها بالضمانات القانونية العامة الممنوحة من قبل المشرع المصري، والمشرع الأردني والمشرع الجزائري والمشرع القطري، وبمحاولة تحليل النصوص القانونية في كل منها، للتوصل إلى أهم الضمانات القانونية العامة الجاذبة للاستثمار.
وتم تقسيم هذه الدراسة إلى فصل تمهيدي يليه الفصل الأول ثم الفصل الثاني . تم في الفصل التمهيدي التطرق إلى الاستثمار وأنواعه وأهدافه ومخاطرةٍ ، والضمانات القانونية و أنواعها. و في الفصل الأول تم الحديث عن الضمانات التشريعية العامة و الضمانات الموضوعية. ومن خلال الفصل الثاني تم التطرق للجانب الدولي والاتفاقيات الدولية الخاصة بالاستثمار وحل النزاعات الاستثمارية دولياً؛ سواء كان على المستوى الإقليمي العربي وعلى المستوى الدولي. وتم التطرق لضمانات الإجرائية لتسويه المنازعات الناشئة عن الاستثمار سواء بالتحكيم أو باللجوء للقضاء، وذلك نظرا لأهميتها في خلق مناخ استثماري.
و من خلال رحلة الدراسة تم التوصل إلى عدة نتائج تعمل على فتح أفاق في النظام التشريعي الاستثماري في فلسطين و توصيات تهدف إلى العمل على تحسين وتطوير قانون تشجيع الاستثمار الفلسطيني.
This study focuses on the general legal guarantees for investments according to the Palestinian Investment Promotion Law Qom (1) for the year 1998 and its amendments, and compares them with the general legal guarantees granted by the Egyptian legislator, the Jordanian legislator, the Algerian legislator and the Qatari legislator .It also analyzes the legal texts in each of them in order to reach the most important General legal guarantees that attract investment. This study is divided according to binary hardening. The introductory chapter covered investment, its types, objectives, risks, and legal guarantees and their types. In the first chapter, general legislative guarantees and objective guarantees were addressed. Through the second chapter, the international aspect and international agreements related to investment and resolving investment disputes internationally were addressed; Whether on the Arab regional level or on the international level. Procedural guarantees for settling disputes arising from investment, whether by arbitration or resorting to the judiciary, were addressed, due to their importance in creating an investment climate. Through the study trip, several results and recommendations were reached . They aimed to open horizons in the investment legislative system in Palestine and work to improve and develop the Palestinian investment encouragement law.
This study focuses on the general legal guarantees for investments according to the Palestinian Investment Promotion Law Qom (1) for the year 1998 and its amendments, and compares them with the general legal guarantees granted by the Egyptian legislator, the Jordanian legislator, the Algerian legislator and the Qatari legislator .It also analyzes the legal texts in each of them in order to reach the most important General legal guarantees that attract investment. This study is divided according to binary hardening. The introductory chapter covered investment, its types, objectives, risks, and legal guarantees and their types. In the first chapter, general legislative guarantees and objective guarantees were addressed. Through the second chapter, the international aspect and international agreements related to investment and resolving investment disputes internationally were addressed; Whether on the Arab regional level or on the international level. Procedural guarantees for settling disputes arising from investment, whether by arbitration or resorting to the judiciary, were addressed, due to their importance in creating an investment climate. Through the study trip, several results and recommendations were reached . They aimed to open horizons in the investment legislative system in Palestine and work to improve and develop the Palestinian investment encouragement law.