تحقيق كتاب فتح القدير لابن الهُمام (790هـ-861هـ) من أول باب الإيلاء إلى أول باب العدة

نضال إبراهيم عبد الرزاق محسن
Nidal Ibraheem Abdelrazaq Mohsen
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Al-Quds University
This thesis is a verification study from the beginning of Al-Eilaa (The oath not to have sexual relation with wife) section till the section of “Iddah” (The divorce prescribed period) from the book of Fathul Qadeer of the scholar Mohammad Bin Abdul Wahed Al Seewasi, whom is well known as Al-Kamal Ibn Al- Humaam, deceased in Eight hundred and sixty one “Hijri” after migration, and his book is one of the annotations to the book of Al-Hedaya for Sheikh Burhanuddin Ibn Abi Bakr Almerghinani deceased in three hundred and ninety after migration. The significance of this research is in the verification of one of the valuable books in Islamic jurisprudence in general, and particularly in the jurisprudence of the Hanafi route, which then made the book as an essential reference for the scholars of this route from beyond. And so; this study was a descriptive one, by a relying, in this study, on two copies of manuscripts beside a printed, not verified copy, and the methodology of the study was: Attributing of Quranic verses and Hadiths of the prophet, and the judgment on the various hadiths and statements from their different source as much as it could be through the statements of the scholars, and documenting the issues from the authentic books of jurisprudence and the commentary them, beside the declaring of the meanings of some strange words, and the definition of the terms of the jurisprudence and linguistic, and defining the information of individuals, places, books and sources. One of the most important findings in this study: that the book is important since the followers of Hanafi doctrine used to excerpt and cite from this book more, and that shown the remarkable status of the book, and acceptance by scholars, because of the son of the respected knowledge of Ibn Al-humaam, and the scientific confidence with a respect for the opinions of opposing juristic doctrines as he discussed issues of jurisprudence with their evidences leaving the intolerance for his doctrine apart. And one important finding by the researcher also, that the title of the book is Fathul Qadeer, not Explain the Fathul Qadeer as came in the printed copy and the health of the proportion of this book to his author. Accordingly, the researcher recommends that the students to complete the verification of this book, which is about to be completed, and then print and disseminate it; giving out a benefit to the students. At the end, the researcher recommends also everyone, particularly, students to pay more attention for other important manuscripts, so that; it could be given in new, higher beneficially form after treating them.
محسن، نضال إبراهيم. (2017). تحقيق كتاب فتح القدير لابن الهُمام (790هـ-861هـ) من أول باب الإيلاء إلى أول باب العدة [رسالة ماجستير منشورة، جامعة القدس، فلسطين]. المستودع الرقمي لجامعة القدس. https://arab-scholars.com/2b57f3