جدلية زيارة المسجد الأقصى المبارك في ظل الإحتلال الإسرائيلي (دراسة فقهية تحليلية)

صبحي عبد العزيز احمد دريعات
Subhi Abed Alaziz Dreaat
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Al-Quds University
This thesis is entitled "Controversy over visiting Al-Aqsa Mosque while being under the Israeli occupation" taking the form of an analytical juristic study. I have selected this title due to my deep strong and limitless love of the holy Aqsa Mosque. The first incentive is the ideological love a long with the fear regarding the fate of the location of the nocturnal journey–Prophet Mohammad's (peace be upon him) midnight journey and his ascention to the seven heavens which faces capaingns of Judaization desecration and penetrations by fanatic Zionists. The significance of this thesis stems from the fact that it comes at a time when current growing controversy is going on every where including the religions and political platforms regarding visiting Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque while being under the Israeli occupation there ate those who strongly advocate on the one hand and those who oppose on the other each side based their stand on juristic and mental evidence. Moreover they bring in their tetimony giving argumentation and attestation for their opponents. In addition the significance of this study is that it comes at a time when increasing legal opinions prohibit visiting the Holy Aqsa Mosque while being under the Israeli occupation such Fatwas are being issued by prominent contemporary jurists. This thesis aims at raising and tackling the issue of visiting the Holy Aqsa Mosque under the Israeli occupation from juristic and legal point of view. It also aims at scrutinzing the proattitudes and those that are against through analysis refutation discussion and criticism. The issue of visiting Al-Aqsa Mosque has become political issue rather than being religious mater falls under the fiqh rule that Al-Aqsa Mosque is (Dar Islam) Throughout this study the researcher has proven a number of important outcomes the researcher used the historical approach combined with the analytical reasoning to reach the results of the study. Jerusalem a long with Al-Aqsa Mosque are considered a pure Islamic home and not at all a zone of war even though it is extra ordinarily affected by the Israeli occupation. Another result is that a visit to the Holy aqsa Mosque under the Israeli occupation is considered as extraordinary without precedent i.e the previous jurists have never tackled the issue in research by all means . therefore the research in this area should be left to Islamic scholars.. The researcher has also concluded that according to the Islamic Shareeha visiting Jerusalem and Al-aqsa Mosque under these critical and hard circumstances is considered obligatory for each and every Muslim with the conditions that the visit doesnot lead to recognition or normalization with the Zionist enemy. Nobody is exempted from this duty except for those who have legitimate excuses. The Israeli occupation should not be taken as an excuse for not visiting Al-Aqsa Mosque for prayer and worship a long with abserving different religious events there. Further the study recommends the prior coordination with respect to the Al-Aqsa Mosque visit with the Palestinian minstrey of AL-awqaf. Finally the researcher recommends instant and serious efforts on the Arabic and Islamic levels to support the Holy aqsa Mosque. And make it possible for all Muslims to visit and work ship the holy placed in Palestine