دراسة تحليلية لرسائل ماجستير الادارة التربوية في جامعة القدس
سندس حاتم رباح، قفيشه
Qafishah,Sondos Hatem Rabah
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Alquds University
هدفت هذه الدراسة التعرف الى واقع رسائل ماجستير الإدارة التربوية المجازة في برنامج ماجستير الإدارة التربوية في جامعة القدس خلال الفترة ( (1998-2020 ،)والبالغ عددها ( 270 )رسالة شكلت مجتمع الدراسة، في حين كانت عينة الدراسة عينة عشوائية، عدد أفرادها (100 )رسالة. استخدمت الباحثة المنهج الوصفي( تحليل المحتوى) لتحليل محتوى هذه الرسائل من خلال أسلوب التثليث ) Triangulation ،)باستخدام ثلاث أدوات: بطاقة تحليل خاصة من إعداد الباحثة، إضافة الى دليل إعداد رسالة الماجستير في جامعة القدس، و أداة المقابلة مع عدد من مشرفي ومناقشي هذه الرسائل
. أظهرت نتائج الدراسة أن رسائل ماجستير الإدارة التربوية في جامعة القدس التزمت بدليل اعداد رسالة الماجستير بدرجة كبيرة، من حيث: غلاف الرسالة، وحجم الورق، ونوع الخطوط وحجمها، والصفحات الأولى في الرسالة، وعناوين الفصول وعددها ومحتواها، والخطوط والهوامش والفهارس والملاحق، وعدد كلمات الملخص. أما عدم التزام الرسائل بدليل الجامعة فتمثل في: كيفية ترقيم العناوين الفرعية في الفصول، وترقيم الجداول وصفحاتها والأشكال، والأبعاد(الفراغات) بين العناوين، بخصوص التوثيق في المتن وكذلك في قائمة المراجع فقد كان هناك عدم التزام بالدليل بشكل ملحوظ، وخاصة التوثيق في قائمة المراجع، وكيفية توثيق الآيات القرآنية في متن الرسالة.
This study aims at identifying the status of Educational Administration master theses
approved in Al Quds University master's program in Educational Administration
during (9118-2021). The study population consisted of the (270) master theses
approved during the program, while the study sample was a simple random sample of
(100) theses. The researcher used descriptive approach to analyze the contents of
these theses by using the (triangulation method) through applying three tools: theses
preparation guide, and card content analysis prepared by the researcher, and interview
with a sample of a number of these theses supervisors and examiners.
The study results showed that Educational Administration master theses in Al Quds
University were in compliance with Theses Preparation Guide to a very great extent
in terms of: theses cover, paper size, font type and size, first pages of the theses,
chapters titles, number, and content, fonts, margins, table of content, references, and
number of abstract page words. However, thesis preparers failed to comply with the
Theses Preparation Guide in respect with how to number the subtitles of chapters,
numbering of schedules and their pages, schedules forms, spaces between titles, and
citation in the main body of theses. In connection with the list of references,
significant noncompliance with Theses Preparation Guide was noticed, particularly in
making citation in the reference list. Further, it was found that researchers lack
knowledge of how to cite Quranic verses in the main body of the theses.
The results of study also showed , through a content analysis card that the quantitative
descriptive approach ( with one variable) is the most common approach used by
(89%). Master thesis revolved about school administration, and educational
administration were the most common thesis by (33%), and (31) consecutively.
Subjects of educational planning, and education economics were researched modestly
in the master thesis by (4%), and (0%) consecutively. In connection with samples, the
random sample, particularly stratified, was the most common sample used by (55%).
Comprehensive survey was limitedly used by (19%). The questionnaire was the most
frequently used tool in the thesis by (94), then comes the interview by (3%). No
master theses used triangulation. Pearson correlation with arbitrator's credibility was
the most common method used to verify the validity of the study. Cronbach Alfa is
the most common method used to verify reliability of study tools. Percentage of thesis male supervisors was very high by (96), in comparison to female supervisors, whose
percentage was (4%). Female researchers percentage was (60%), which is higher than
male researchers percentage of (40%). Most thesis used statistical inference by (81%),
T-Test, and One Way Anova by (81%). Neither Second Way Anova, nor Manova
were used in the thesis. Analysis results showed also other matters. In connection with
interview questions, it referred that most subjects selected were very good in terms of
modernity, and relatedness to educational reality. It further indicated that literature
review in the thesis needs to be more comprehensive, and to be based on world
literature review, and not just Arabic literature.
Key words: master thesis, educational administration, Al Quds University