فاعلية برنامج تدريبي مستند إلى التنغيم لتنمية مهارة القراءة الجهرية لدى طلاب المرحلة الأساسية من ذوي عسر القراءة .

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The study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of a training program based on tonality in developing the skill of reading aloud among primary school students with dyslexia. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher relied on the experimental method and the quasi-experimental design. Where the study applied to a purposive sample of students of the male basic school of Bethlehem, whose number reached (12) students in the first semester of 2020/2021. They are students of the resource rooms and those with disabilities in reading, between 7-9 years old. They were diagnosed based on the educational bag tests approved by the Palestinian Ministry of Education. Two tools were used in this study: the observation card and a test to measure the skill of reading aloud. Their validity was confirmed by presenting them to a group of specialists and experts and by calculating the correlation coefficient Pearson, and their stability was confirmed by using the re-test method and using the Cooper formula to calculate the agreement coefficient. The results of the study showed an effect of the effectiveness of the training program based on tonality in developing the skill of reading aloud, among students of the primary stage with dyslexia, due to the variable of the method of teaching after the application of the program. As well as the study showed that there are statistically significant differences in the skills of reading aloud, among students with dyslexia between the pre and posttest in favor of the post test. In addition, statistically significant differences were found in the scale of the skill of reading aloud, among students of the primary stage with dyslexia due to the variable of grade and age. According to the results, the study recommended the necessity of applying the proposed program to students of the basic stage with dyslexia. Moreover, paying attention to reading aloud in the basic stage (1-4), because it forms the basis for learning to read, and this is because if the student is able to read in it, he will be able from learning other higher skills such as comprehension, criticism and taste. In addition to the need to pay attention to early detection of students with dyslexia and to develop treatment plans and programs for them to reduce the aggravation of the problem. Finally, the introduction and inclusion of audio aids and reliance on intonation in the development of reading for all students, with the aim of developing reading skills .