دراسة تحليلية لنماذج روائية من أدب السجون
شيرين محمد حسن سليمان
Shireen Mohammad Hassan Sulieman
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AL-Quds University
جامعة القدس
جامعة القدس
This research is an analytical study of prison narratives literature written after the
year two thousand despite the fact that the depicted events took place in the last decade in
Arab and occupation prisons. The researcher studied four different genres of which two
genres written by patriotic prisoners in the prisons of the Zionist occupation namely, (Ahlam
Bilhuriyya) by Aisheh Odeh and (Satair Al Atmah) by Waleed Hodali. The other two genres
are by political prisoners in Arab prisons namely, (Al Qauqaha) by Mustafa Khalifa and
(Tilka Al Aitmah Al Bahira) by Tahir Binjlun. The researcher studied the narrative structure
in these genres in order to identify their elements and characteristics. The study aimed to
identify the imprisoned writer’s personality, relationship with the warden, surrounding
environment and how these are reflected in his literary work.
The significance of this study comes from the fact that it has an expanded horizon
and prolific production as well as the message to remove injustice. This literary genre is a
live witness to the suppressive and unjust policies of the despotic regimes and cruel
This research studied a number of studies like (Al Sijin Al Siasi fi Al Riwaiya Al
Arabia) by Samar Rawhi Al Faisal and (Manabi Adab Al Haraka Al Asira Al Wataniya ) by
Salman Jadallah and (Adab Al Sujun) by Jamil Salhut and Nazih Abu Nidal.
The research began with a short preface in which the definition, beginnings, causes
and themes of prison literature were discussed. The researcher divided the research into three
chapters in which the integrated methodology of analytical, and descriptive methods were
followed after she studied the four genres and identified their structural elements,
description, and examples in addition to their main artistic characteristics.
The researcher had the following concluding outcomes. The subject matters of this
literature are similar despite differences in settings and references. There are gruesome
prison conditions, harsh interrogation, torture and humiliation. All this aims to fight the
thoughts of the educated, defiant and rebellious prisoner against occupation and hegemony.
Literature, therefore, was the prisoner’s sanctuary, message and only weapon to reveal the
tyranny of the despotic regimes and unjust occupier. The study also recommends that it is
essential to pay more attention to this kind of literature since it has a documentary value that
bears witness to injustice and tyrants.
اللغة العربية وآدابها , Arabic Language & literature
سليمان، شيرين محمد. (2018). دراسة تحليلية لنماذج روائية من أدب السجون [رسالة ماجستير منشورة، جامعة
القدس، فلسطين]. المستودع الرقمي لجامعة القدس. https://arab-scholars.com/8df3a7