اتجاهات معلمي المرحلة الأساسِية (4-1) نحو استخدام القصةِ التربَويةِ وعلاقتِها بِتوظيفِهم للتكنولوجيا في التدريس
ولاء محمد احمد إسماعيل
Walaa Mohammed Ahmad Ismail
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Al-Quds University
هَدفت هذه الدّراسةُ التَعرف إلى اتِجاهاتِ معلمي المرحلةِ الأساسيّة (1-4) نحو استخدام القصة التَّربويَّة وعلاقتها بِتوظيفهم للتكنولوجيّا في التَّدريس. واستُخدم المَنهج الوصفي الارتباطي، وطُبقت الدّراسة في الفصلِ الثّاني للعام الدّراسي 2022/2023م، على عَينةٍ طبقيّةٍ عشوائية ، وتكونت من (118) معلماً، وباستخدام أداتي قياس، تم توزيعهم الكترونياً: الأداة الأولى كانت لقياسِ اتجاهات المُعلمين نحو استخدام القصة التَّربويَّة، أما الأداة الثّانية فكانت لقياسِ درجة توظيفِ المُعلمين للتكنولوجيّا في التَّدريس، وقد تم التَحقق من صِدقهما وثباتهما، فكانت قيمة مُعامل الثبات للأداة الأولى (0.967) وللأداة الثانية (0.948).
وكان من أبرز نتائج الدّراسة أنّ اتجاهات المعلمِين نحو استخدام القصة التَّربويَّة جاءت بِدرجةٍ مُرتفعةٍ جداً، بمتوسطٍ حسابي (4.32)، وأنّ درجة توظيفهم للتكنولوجيّا في التَّدريس جاءت بدرجةٍ مُرتفعة، بمتوسطٍ حسابي (4.10)، كما وأظهرت النّتائج عَدم وجود فروق ذات دلالة احصائية بين المُتوسّطات الحسابية لاتجاهات المعلمين نحو استخدام القصَّة التَّربويَّة تبعاً لمتغيري (الجنس وسنوات الخبرة)، بينما أظهرت وجود فروقاً تبعاً لِمتغير المُؤهل العلمي ولِصالح المُؤهل العلمي (ماجستير فأعلى)، وفروقاً تبعاً لمُتغير التخصص ولصالح تخصص (العلوم الإنسانية). وأظهرت النّتائج عَدم وجود فُروق ذات دَلالة احصائية بين المُتوسّطات الحِسابية لدرجةِ توظيف المعلمين للتكنولوجيّا في التَّدريس تبعاً لمتغيري (الجنس وسنوات الخبرة)، بينما أظهرت وجود فروقاً تبعاً لمُتغير المُؤهل العِلمي ولِصالح المُؤهل العلمي (ماجستير فأعلى)، وفروقاً تبعاً لمُتغير التخصص ولِصالح (العلوم الإنسانية). وأظهرت النّتائج أيضاً وجود علاقة طردية مُتوسطة بين اتِجاهات المُعلمين نَحو استخدام القصة التَّربويَّة وتَوظيف التكنولوجيّا في التَّدريس. وفي ضوء هذه النَتائج توصي الدّراسة باستخدامِ أسلوب القصَّة في التَّدريس؛ لما لها من دَور واضحٍ في تَحسينِ ونجاح العَلمية التعليمية، والاهتمام بإشراك المُعلمين في دَوراتٍ تدريبيةٍ تُساهمُ في زيادةِ فعاليةِ استخدام القصَّة في التَّدريس، وتَزويد المَدارس الأساسيّة بأدواتِ التكنولوجيا الحديثة والتحديث المستمر لها.
The study aimed to find out (4-1) stage teachers' attitudes towards the use of storytelling in relation to their use of technology in teaching. The descriptive correlational approach was used in this study. The study was applied to a random stratified sample, which included (118) teachers from both genders during the second semester of 2022/2023. The researcher used two measuring instruments that had been distributed online. the first instrument was to measure teachers' attitudes towards the use of storytelling. The second was to measure the degree of use of technology in teaching by teachers. The instruments' validity and stability were both verified. The stability coefficient of the first instrument is (0.967) and the second instrument is (0.948). The results revealed that teachers' perceptions towards the use of storytelling in teaching are high; with an average of (4.32). In addition, the research found that the degree of using technology in teaching by teachers is high; with an average of (4.10). The results revealed that there are no statistically significant differences in teachers' attitudes towards the use of storytelling in teaching attributed to the variables of gender and years of experience and there are differences attributed to qualification, especially (Master's degree or higher) and Humanities Branch. The results also revealed that there are no statistically significant differences in the degree of the use of technology in teaching attributed to qualification, especially (Master's degree or higher) and there are no differences attributed to specialization, especially in the Humanities Branch. In addition, it found a positive correlation between teachers' attitudes towards the use of storytelling in teaching and the degree of the use of technology in teaching by teachers. In light of these results, the study recommended using "storytelling "in teaching as it is so crucial for the educational process to be successful, holding constant training courses for teachers to make the "storytelling " method more effective, and providing primary schools with modern technology to be used in teaching.
The study aimed to find out (4-1) stage teachers' attitudes towards the use of storytelling in relation to their use of technology in teaching. The descriptive correlational approach was used in this study. The study was applied to a random stratified sample, which included (118) teachers from both genders during the second semester of 2022/2023. The researcher used two measuring instruments that had been distributed online. the first instrument was to measure teachers' attitudes towards the use of storytelling. The second was to measure the degree of use of technology in teaching by teachers. The instruments' validity and stability were both verified. The stability coefficient of the first instrument is (0.967) and the second instrument is (0.948). The results revealed that teachers' perceptions towards the use of storytelling in teaching are high; with an average of (4.32). In addition, the research found that the degree of using technology in teaching by teachers is high; with an average of (4.10). The results revealed that there are no statistically significant differences in teachers' attitudes towards the use of storytelling in teaching attributed to the variables of gender and years of experience and there are differences attributed to qualification, especially (Master's degree or higher) and Humanities Branch. The results also revealed that there are no statistically significant differences in the degree of the use of technology in teaching attributed to qualification, especially (Master's degree or higher) and there are no differences attributed to specialization, especially in the Humanities Branch. In addition, it found a positive correlation between teachers' attitudes towards the use of storytelling in teaching and the degree of the use of technology in teaching by teachers. In light of these results, the study recommended using "storytelling "in teaching as it is so crucial for the educational process to be successful, holding constant training courses for teachers to make the "storytelling " method more effective, and providing primary schools with modern technology to be used in teaching.
إسماعيل، ولاء محمد. (2022). اتجاهات معلمي المرحلة الأساسِية (4-1) نحو استخدام القصةِ التربَويةِ وعلاقتِها
بِتوظيفِهم للتكنولوجيا في التدريس [رسالة ماجستير منشورة، جامعة القدس، فلسطين]. المستودع الرقمي لجامعة
القدس. https://arab-scholars.com/708d7d