إمكانية تطبيق إدارة الجودة الشاملة والكفاءة الإنتاجية في صناعة الحجر والرخام في محافظة بيت لحم
يوسف ماريو يوسف خاروفة
Yousef Mario Yousef Kharufeh
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جامعة القدس
The study aimed to identify the applicability of total quality management and production
efficiency in the stone and marble industry in Bethlehem Governorate. Qualitative approach
was used in this study, which fits with the nature of this study. Primary data were gathered
from a series of interviews with managers of stone and marble companies in Bethlehem
governorate. SWOT analysis was used to analyze the data, interpret it, and provide relevant
explanations. Additionally, SWOT analysis was used to answer study questions and classify
its results, where the model showed the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of six
elements, namely: demand factors, production factors, government support, competition,
application of total quality management and production efficiency. The results showed that
the implementation of total quality management within companies in the industry, increases
their profitability and make them more competitiveness at the local and international levels.
Furthermore, such utilization of total quality management helps companies in their efforts to
increase organizational effectiveness; mainly it expedites service delivery, reduces operational
errors and deviations, and it further aids them in the process of developing and presenting
high quality products in the market at a higher rate. All of which reflects on customer
satisfaction and consumer loyalty. The results also showed that following this system has
proven in many companies its ability to reduce production costs and increase profitability.
Additionally, the results indicated that there is a clear awareness and a deep understanding
among the owners of the stone and marble sector of the concepts of total quality management
and production efficiency, and an understanding of how each of them affects work
mechanisms, work quality, and product quality. Finally, the results showed the importance of
the interrelationship between the stone and marble sector and the role of the government in
overcoming obstacles. Therefore, it was found that the failure to implement effective laws and
policies to reduce imports and reduce imposed taxes. In addition, the lack of contributions and
support to reduce the cost of production, all clearly exacerbated the sector’s decline. In light
of these results, the researcher presented a set of recommendations, mainly that companies
should implement total quality management to raise production efficiency: Consequently the
government should impose laws and set policies that would organize and support the stone
and marble industry.
Keywords: Total quality management, production efficiency, stone and marble
industry, Bethlehem governorate