عدي بن الرقاع العاملي شاعرا سياسيا : دراسة موضوعيّة وفنيّة

dc.contributor.advisorجمال غيظان
dc.contributor.authorجمال عبدالمجيد حسن واديar
dc.contributor.authorJamal Abdelmajeed Hassan Wadien
dc.contributor.examinerمشهور الحبازي
dc.contributor.examinerإحسان الديك
dc.description.abstractThis study deals with the poet, “Addi bin Riqa’e AlA’mily, as a politician poet” As a result of being one of the Umayyad caliphs court poets and it’s considered an episode in the research in the Arabic literature. Its importance stems from the fact that it highlights the poetic elements as well as the political orientation of the poet in his praise poetry. Previous studies about the poet were not comprehensive as they only highlighted on the poetic elements mainly praise poetry. Therefore, there was a need to elaborate more on the poet’s political orientation in his pride. The Comprehensive approach was followed in this study and the historical approach in studying the poet’s life and the emergence of political parties in the Umayyad period. Also, the political poetry was defined and its development. Besides, the analytical and descriptive approach was followed in studying his poetry and finally the aesthetic approach was followed in the artistic part. The study concluded that the poet was unfamous overshadowed by the fame of other poets of the Umayyad period, although that he deserved to be the foremost of the poets, despite the lack of what reached us from his poetry. However, he managed through his poetry with political orientation to be one of the favorites in the Umayyad court especially by caliph AlWaleed bin Abdul Malik. Also, it was found that the poet was able to highlight the Umayyad party religiously and politically, and work to highlight the point of view of the Umayyad caliphate, and managed to describe the landmarks of events of the first Islamic century, at a time when internal political differences in the Islamic state in its heydays, and he witnessed and portrayed the events as an advocate of the Umayyad party.en
dc.identifier.citationوادي، جمال عبدالمجيد. (2014). عدي بن الرقاع العاملي شاعرا سياسيا : دراسة موضوعيّة وفنيّة [رسالة ماجستير منشورة، جامعة القدس، فلسطين]. المستودع الرقمي لجامعة القدس. https://arab- scholars.com/704afcar
dc.publisherAL-Quds Universityen
dc.publisherجامعة القدسar
dc.subjectاللغة العربية وآدابهاar
dc.subjectArabic Language & literatureen
dc.subject.otherدراسات علياar
dc.subject.otherرسالة ماجستيرar
dc.subject.otherHigher Studiesen
dc.subject.otherMaster Thesisen
dc.titleعدي بن الرقاع العاملي شاعرا سياسيا : دراسة موضوعيّة وفنيّةar
dc.titleAddi bin Riqa e AlA mily, as a politician poeten
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