واقع ادارة المورد البشري الاخضر وسعادته في الجامعات الفلسطينية في الضفة الغربيه

بيان ماهر السيد احمد
Bayan Sayed Ahmad
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alquds university
جامعة القدس
The study aimed to identify the reality of the happiness of the green human resource in Palestinian universities in the west bank, the study was applied to a sample consisting of (76) of workers in the universities, and the researcher designed a questionnaire for the purpose of achieving the goals of the study and collecting data, and formed The questionnaire has five axes (the extent of happiness of the green human resource in Palestinian universities, the extent of commitment of the human resources management at the university to green practices, the extent of commitment of human resources at the university to green practices, requirements for building awareness and empowering human resources, requirements for achieving the happiness of the green human resource). The results of the study showed that universities possess a full awareness and awareness of the importance of human resources happiness in them and work to achieve them to a greater degree than their awareness in applying green human resource management practices, and that the most important contribution to achieving happiness of human resources in universities is very high is the university's consolidation of the relationships between human resources In it, the clear and precise formulation of the vision and mission of the university affects the consolidation of the goal (higher values and goals) and thus increasing the happiness of human resources at the university. Establishing the university for a culture of one-team spirit based on positivity and productivity is what most affects the consolidation of relationships and achieving happiness between human resources at the university. High eagerness to preserve the health of human resources, and this has emerged in the crisis of the Corona pandemic through the consolidation of a culture of work based on openness, full awareness of the nature of the work environment and the conditions of employees, and taking decisions and procedures to maintain the health of human resources at the university. There is a high tendency to do studies and research to explore Opportunities are available to implement alternative energy sources at the university, which enhances green human resource practices in the university University. The study came out with a set of recommendations, the most important of which was to increase the interest of universities by linking the motivations of individuals to the higher goals of the university, and to increase the support of universities to employees in their endeavors to achieve a balance between professional and personal life, and to enhance positive communication between senior management and employees, which reflects positively on the happiness of green human resources, and the empowerment of resources Humanity in universities from taking the initiative and taking responsibility, and increasing universities' appreciation for the achievements and efforts made by human resources in them and celebrating them to liberate their potential and motivate them.
احمد، بيان ماهر. (2021). واقع ادارة المورد البشري الاخضر وسعادته في الجامعات الفلسطينية في الضفة الغربيه [رسالة ماجستير منشورة، جامعة القدس، فلسطين]. المستودع الرقمي لجامعة القدس. https://arab- scholars.com/ebed4b