الأبعاد الإستراتيجية لمصالح إيران ودورها الإقليمي في منطقة الخليج 2003-2013

محمد يوسف أحمد ربيع
Mohammed Y. A. Rabee
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AL-Quds University
جامعة القدس
This study investigates the nature of Iran’s interests in the Gulf region, and seeks to shed light on the importance of these interests for the Islamic Republic of Iran in light of changes that have occurred in the region in the last two decades of the century. Most of the justifications for the study are based on the growing role of Iran in the Persian Gulf, and its impact upon Iran and the countries of the region. In addition to competing with other regional powers, such as Turkey and Israel, over influence on the regional stature. The study will examine Iran’s attempt to export Shiite ideology, work on the development of its nuclear program and its rejection of the peace process between Israel and the Arab States in general, and the Palestinians in specific. In addition to competing with the US and other countries with interests in the Gulf area, over recourses the most important of which is oil. This research primarily used the analytical, descriptive and historical methods, and in part used a historical approach. This research also depended on many research tools, by using recourses, books in additions to newspapers and magazines, websites and other tools. The study concluded that: The Gulf region is at the center of attention of the world as a whole, it was and still is prone to colonial ambitions, since through history and starting from Portugal, Netherlands, France and Britain and ending with the United States which does not allow any country to control the Gulf region especially Iran. The study also found that there are many contributing factors as to why Iran’s role can not be undermined. Among these are, the vast area of the country, its increasing population, its nuclear program, in addition to its control of one the world’s most important sea routes. This also has negatively affected its relations with the countries of the Gulf region especially, and the area more generally. Finally, the study found that in spite of the adaptation and development of the Iranian policies from strictness to pragmatism, it is merely but a tool to serve its interests and goal in the region, whether these interests are ideological, political security, or economical for Iran to eventually gain a status as well as a regional role especially in the Gulf region.
الدراسات الاقليمية , Regional Studies