Indications, Characteristics, Findings & Recommendation of Patients Undergoing ERCP in Al Shefa Hospital

Mustafa Abu Jayyab
Mustafa A. Abu Jayyab
Hasan K. H. Hamdan
Ahmed M. Z. Eid
Khaled A. A. Siyam
Moshee Al-Dahdouh
Tayseer Jamal Afifi
Khamis Elessi
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Al-Quds University - Deanship of Scientific Research
Background: Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is a highly specialized procedure that combines diagnostic and therapeutic capabilities. ERCP allows physicians to examine the biliary tract, pancreas, and gallbladder by using a flexible endoscope equipped with a tiny camera and contrast dye. ERCP is frequently used to diagnose and treat various conditions, such as gallstones, pancreatitis, bile duct obstruction, and certain cancers. During the procedure, the physician can remove obstructions, take tissue samples for further testing, and place stents to keep the bile duct open. The procedure is performed by a highly trained gastroenterologist in a hospital or specialized center equipped with the necessary tools and equipment. While ERCP is generally safe, it does carry a higher risk of complications, such as pancreatitis, bleeding, or infection. Patients who undergo ERCP will need to fast for several hours before the procedure and will receive sedation to help them relax during the examination. Following the procedure, patients may experience mild discomfort or bloating, but these symptoms typically subside within a few days. ERCP is a crucial tool in the diagnosis and treatment of many gastrointestinal conditions, and if recommended by your physician, it is important to carefully follow all pre- and post-procedure instructions to ensure the best possible outcome.