Assessment of exposure to quarries and pulmonary function among quarry workers in Beit Fajjar village
Aya Ali Hasan Taqatqa
آية علي حسن طقاطقة
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Al-Quds University
Assessment of exposure to quarries and pulmonary function among quarry workers in
Beit Fajjar village.
Background: Occupational health has been defined as ―Promotion and maintenance of
the highest degree of physical, mental and social well - being of workers in all
occupations; (WHO, 2012). Workers in the quarry industry face numerous risks emerging
from airborne particulate inhalation, and thisexposure mightpose a major health and
safety concern. Aim: This study aims to identify theassessment of exposuretothe quarry
industry and pulmonary function among quarry workers in BeitFajjar-Palestine.
Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in 2020, with a sample
of 200 quarry workersthat were conveniently recruited for this study. Data was collected
bya data collection sheet, which included personal information of the workers;years of
work for workers, and other personal variables, in addition to the ―questionnaire”that is
used for chronic respiratory illness assessmentin Epidemiological Research‖.Spirometer
device was used in this study to measure the lung functions with main concentration on
three parameters: Forced Vital Capacity (FVC), Forced expiratory volume in 1st second
(FEV1), and FEV1% (FEV1/FVCV).
Results: All of the participants weremale at the worker site. Workers ‗agewasbetween 20
to 50years. Most of participants (77%) did not use personal protective equipment (PPE).
92 percent of the study participants work in quarries for more than 35 hours a week,
meaning that the majority of them are at risk of inhaling quarry dust. 77% of the study
sample is a smoker, which is a high prevalence.
The most common reported respiratory symptoms by the participant were having cough
and shortness of breath. Normal lung function test was among only 30% of respondents.
Decreased pulmonary function was found among a significant percentage of the industry
workers, 48% was found to have a moderate to a severe decrease in FCV, and 31% had a
moderate to a severe decrease in FEV1, and 45% had moderate to severe decrease
By using independent sample t-test, there was no significant difference in mean FEV1
and FEV1% upon using protective equipment kit, smoking, family history of respiratory
disease, worker‘s history of respiratory disease diagnosis, presence of shortness of breath,
cough, nasal congestion, and educational level ( p > 0.05), While there was a statistically
significant difference of mean FEV1% for the favor of workers without wheezing (88.5
% ) as compared to those who reported wheezing (81.1% )(P = 0.002) .
In correlation demographic and work-related variables with FEV1 and FEV1% there was
no statistically significant correlation between FEV1, FEV1% and Age, practical, and
total working hours per week (p > 0.05). And there is a statistically significant difference
of mean FEV1% upon the work place, with favor for the stone crushing industry workers
(with FEV1% 89.4%) as compared to the stone pits (with FEV1% of 83.7%).
By using multivariate stepwise regression the model revealed that practical experience
is the only predictor of FEV1, with very weak R2, justifying nearly 2% of the variation in
the dependent variable (FEV1) which is considered a very weak explanation of the
variation in the dependent variable and working place represented in the stone pit or
crushing is the only significant predictor of FEV1%, in favor for stone crushing facility
workers (89.41%, SD 10.47%) as compared to stone pits (83.76%, SD 16.73%), with a
very weak explanation of the variation of the dependent variable R2 (0,041).
Conclusion: This study showed chronic exposure to quarry dust was associated with
deterioration of lung function indicated by reduced lung function indices among quarry
workers. This finding reflects the need for periodic evaluation of lung function to help in
preventing any deterioration in the respiratory health of these workers. Also, it
emphasizes the need for advocacy that will drive the responsible body for this occupation
to put clear legislations and enforce these workers to wear the proper PPEs.
Taqatqa، Aya Ali. (2021). Assessment of exposure to quarries and pulmonary function
among quarry workers in Beit Fajjar village [A published thesis, Al-Quds University,
Palestine].Al-Quds University digital repository