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- Itemصعوبات التعامل الغذائي مع حساسية الطعام في فلسطين «تطبيق مكونات»(جامعة القدس، عمادة البحث العلمي, 2020-12-22) عودة, طارق نزيه; دويكات, سعد نظامقمنا في بحثنا هذا بنشر استبانة إلكترونية على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي مثل: WhatsApp، Facebook في مدينة نابلس فاستجاب 77 شخصاً ممن يعانون من حساسية الطعام فوجدنا أن حساسية الطعام شائعة في المجتمع الفلسطيني: 40% عند الكبار و60% عند أطفالهم. كما أن هناك تقريباً ثلث (29%) الأشخاص تم تشخيصهم من قبل طبيب وأن هناك حاجة طبية لتشخيص 70% من المصابين. أكثر من نصف المرضى المصابين (56%) دون سن العشرين: الأطفال واليافعين. تشكل المواد التالية ما يزيد عن الجزء الأكبر (82%) من المواد المحسسة بالمجتمع الفلسطيني: حليب البقر، والموز، والبيض، والمأكولات البحرية، وبروتين فول الصويا، والكيوي، والمكسرات، والأسماك وهي مواد غذائية أساسية. حساسية المواد الغذائية لها تأثير سلبي كبير على حياة المريض وعائلته إذ تحد من نشاطه الاجتماعي ومن تناول الوجبات خارج المنزل، وتقلل من نشاطه الاجتماعي كحضور الولائم والأعراس وغيرها. كما أن مكونات الأطعمة تبدو غريبة عند كثير من المرضى أو عائلاتهم وتسبب القلق والخوف عند شراء أطعمة عند غالبيتهم وتستغرق جهداً كبيراً في التسوق لمعرفة هذه المكونات. لذا فإن نسبة عالية جداً (90%) ترى أن وجود تطبيق باللغة العربية يبين مكونات الأطعمة يعتبر مفيداً لهم. قمنا بعمل نسخة تجريبية مصغرة عن تطبيق للهواتف الذكية التي تعمل بنظام التشغيل (أندرويد) لتقوم بمسح وقراءة (Qr code) يُفترض وجوده على المنتجات الغذائية، ليبين للمستهلك مكونات هذا المنتج ويقوم بتنبيهه إذا ما احتوى على إحدى المواد التي تُعتبر مثيرة للحساسية لديه حسب جدول قام بتعبئته في الشاشة الأولى للتطبيق. في ختام بحثنا نوصي بضرورة توعية المُصنّع والمستورد الفلسطيني بضرورة وأهمية تزويد كل منتج بـ (Qr code) يحتوي مكونات هذا المنتج، بالإضافة إلى العمل الجاد في إيجاد البدائل الغذائية للمحرومين من بعض أنواع الطعام الضرورية لأجسامهم.
- ItemKnowledge, Attitude and Training Physiotherapist Palliative Care - Gaza Strip(Al-Quds University, Deanship of Scientific Research, 2020-12-22) Alser, Amany M.; Darwish, Ahmed S.; Hussein, Khaled I.; Alabsi, Amani A.; Alastal, Heba M.; Sabbah, Lamees Z.; Sharaf, Fawzy; Naim, FadelBackground: Palliative care encompasses holistic management of patients and families facing life-threatening and life-limiting conditions. There is currently little known about Gaza strip physiotherapists’ palliative care knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, experience and training needs. Objectives: Palliative care rehabilitation has been positively associated with a high and prolonged level of independent function, which also reduces the burden on care providers(1,2). This study aimed to investigate the existing knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, training and experience of palliative care by physiotherapists working in Gaza strip. Methodology: A quantitative cross-sectional descriptive study using a face to face questionnaire included sociodemographic data, physiotherapist’s knowledge, attitude experience and training (modified PTiPC-KABE Scale)(3), the study includes eight major hospitals in the Gaza-Strip. The sample size was 120 participants, 110 were included. SPSS (version 22 for Windows) for descriptive statistics, Chi-Square, Student's t and compare mean -tests were used for the statistical analysis. Results: The total number of respondents was 110(93.3%); male 45%,and females 55%.Years of experience Palliative care intends to hasten death was significant in (p = 0.017), Palliative care does not enhance quality of life (p = 0.117), I feel a sense of personal failure when a patient dies(p=0.035), Palliative care considers dying as a complicated process (p =0.026), Caring for dying patients is traumatic for me(p = 0.004), The provision of palliative care requires emotional detachment(p = 0.009), The physical environment of my workplace is ideal for providing palliative care and rehabilitation(p = 0.026), I am often exposed to death in my workplace(p = 0.034), Conclusions: Many of Gaza's physiotherapists perform in palliative care despite inadequate training and limited knowledge in this area. Further learning and training opportunities for graduates and postgraduate students are required for physiotherapists in palliative care.
- ItemHolistic Assessment of Community Palliative Care Needs Among Palestinian Cancer Patients(Al-Quds University, Deanship of Scientific Research, 2020-12-22) Groof, Majeda; Joulani, Bayan; Abu Hamad, Bassam; Jebrini, Nidal; Abu Fardi, Sali; Abu Hbees, Aseel; Abu Issa, Huda; Kharroubi, Akram; Rimawi, Atef; Al-Sharabati, Wasim; Aljafari, Tamer; Abu Seir, RaniaBackground: Palliative care focuses on improving the quality of life of terminally ill patients and their families. Objectives: This cross-sectional study aims to assess the level of community palliative care among terminally ill Palestinian cancer patients and the needs of their families in the West-Bank and Gaza strip. Methodology: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among cancer patients. Patients were recruited through five hospitals that provide cancer care in the West Bank and Gaza Strip (Al-Hussein Hospital, Beit Jala; Augusta Victoria Hospital, Jerusalem; Istishari Arab Hospital, Ramallah; European Hospital and Abd Al-Aziz Al-Rantisi Hospital; Gaza). Data were collected using an interview-based questionnaire. The questionnaire focused on assessment of physical, psychosocial, emotional, and spiritual components of palliative care. In addition, the questionnaire assessed caregiver’s needs. Results: A total of 238 patients were interviewed. The mean age of the participants was 53.8±15 years. The most common types of cancer among patients were breast cancer (51 [21.4%]) and colorectal cancer (33 [13.9%]). Fifty percent of the patients had their children as their primary caregivers. Overall, the majority of the patients had good psychosocial, spiritual, and emotional scores. On the other hand, >80% had moderate to poor physical functioning scores. Psychosocial and emotional scores decreased significantly as the disease progressed. More than 33% of the patients reported that their caregivers were in need of financial, legal, and work-related support. In addition, other commonly reported unmet needs included support in understanding what to expect in the future and dealing with the feelings and worries of the patient. Conclusions: Cancer patients suffer mostly from their physical symptoms in addition to financial problems. On the other hand, assessment of the emotional, spiritual and psychological functioning of Palestinian patients indicates that the strength of religious beliefs and the support of the family and the friends in the Palestinian community had a great impact on the patients and help reduced the gap in palliative care services.
- ItemAwareness, Perceptions and Beliefs About Physiotherapy Profession Among Orthopedists and Neurosurgeons Working in the Main Hospitals of the Ministry of Health in Gaza Strip(Al-Quds University, Deanship of Scientific Research, 2020-12-22) Alnajjar, Omar O.; Abo Musabeh, Ahmed M.; Hussain, Khald I.; Al Qedra, Ismail K.; Hamdona, AbdallahBackground: - Healthcare professions have rapidly developed due to advancements in technology along with innovations over years, and Physiotherapists are considered as a key-member of collaborative inter-professional teams due to their broad scope of practice. - Increasing disabilities in Palestine due to occupation and other reasons, life expectancy and the special circumstances made it one of the most imperative socioeconomic medical issues in Gaza Strip. This emphasizes the need for the development and recognition of physiotherapy in multidisciplinary healthcare structures. - In order to deliver effective care, communication, cooperation and agreement between physicians and physiotherapist is essential. - If a physician were well informed about physiotherapy abilities in helping the treatments, prevent complications and decrease hospital stays, that would decrease the burden on the healthcare system. - Lack of knowledge about physiotherapy among medical professionals affects several aspects, including patients, the role of physiotherapy as a part of the healthcare teams, and the outcomes. Objectives: - The aim of the study was to identify awareness, perception and believes about physiotherapy among orthopedists and neurosurgeons. Methods: - A cross-sectional study was conducted between January – June 2019 at the three main hospitals of the Ministry of Health in Gaza Strip. The study population included Orthopedists and Neurosurgeons who work according to the settings. - The total collected samples were 67, and participants of the study were recruited through a Non-Probability convenience sample. - Data was collected through a questionnaire, that was designed in English, with four main parts, a total of 30 items, then data analysis using the (SPSS-V.22) and several statistical operations were done including Cross tabulation using chi-squarer with significance value was defined as p≤0.05. Results: - Results of this study showed that the awareness of orthopedists and neurosurgeons about physiotherapy was 95.5%. The study showed that 54.7% of these physicians received their knowledge through their studying. The study showed that 78.1% of physicians believe that the intervention of physiotherapy is in therapeutic exercises, while 57.8% believe that the biggest intervention is the use of electrical modalities, and 60.9% believe that it is manual therapy. The study found that 96.9% of physicians believe that physiotherapy plays an important role in the treatment plan for the patient. And 71.9% of the physicians believe that the physiotherapist has the right to return the patient to the physician due to misdiagnosis. The study indicated that 90.6% of physicians believe it is important to discuss the patient's discharge with a physiotherapist, and shocking result was that 95.3% of physicians say that they write on the referral what should a physiotherapist do to a patient, and that is a huge violation of the physiotherapists right of making their own decision. Conclusions: - There is a close association between orthopedists and neurosurgeons about physiotherapy. The study has shown that they have a clear awareness, perception and beliefs about physiotherapy. - This relationship should be supported and developed to provide the best possible treatment to patients.