رثاء الأقارب في شعر شعراء العصرين االزنكي والأيوبي ( 492-648 هـ ) دراسة مموضوعية وفنية

عادل محمد سليم الزير
Adel Mohammad Saleem Alzeer
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AL-Quds University
جامعة القدس
This study is entitled: "Elegizing of Relatives in The Poetry of the Zinkian and Ayubian Eras in Egypt and Levantine Countries Between (492-648 A.H.). It sheds light on elegy which is considered the truest poetry ever written by all poets because it comes out from the depth of human feelings and deeply expresses bitterness and sadness in cases of bereavement and lamentation. Strong emotions of sadness and grievousness by poets, in these cases, are mainly expressed through elegy. What compelled me to embark on this study was that I haven't found a complete and separate study that shows the objective and stylistic qualities of elegy in the above-stated eras. Besides, most researchers focused on elegy in general. Moreover, elegizing of relatives is closely connected with human emotions in cases of bereavement and lamentation . Thus, elegy truly and expressly reflects human feelings in these cases, induces harmony and emotion between the reader and the elegizing poet and touches the listener's feelings. In this study I followed the integral method which comprises a group of various methods mainly: the descriptive - analytic method which domains most parts of the study, the historical method which looks into relatives elegizing throughout history and the statistical method which studies rhyme and rhythm of poetry. This study is objective because it highlights emotions and sensations expressed in elegy towards relatives and stylistic because it concentrates on the stylistic qualities of relatives elegizing during the above-mentioned eras. The study aims at filling a gap in this topic which has been previously researched by Dr. Mkaimar Saleh in a study entitled: "Son Elegizing in Arab Poetry up To the End of the Fifth Century of the Hegira", which is considered complementary to Mkaimar's research. My study is developed into an introduction, background, three chapters and a conclusion. In the introduction, I dealt with the time and place of the subject matter, reasons, aims, methods and steps of the study and the previous studies. In the background, I explained the lexical and contextual meanings of elegizing and the synonyms of "elegize". In the first chapter, I discussed the history of"relative elegizing prevailed in four eras or periods: the pre-Islamic, Islamic, the Umayad and the Abasis periods. In the second chapter, I objectively discussed the topic in terms of abundance of poems and degree of close relationship to poets according to the following sequence: sons fathers, mothers, brothers, wives, uncles and relatives in general. And in the third chapter, I discussed the stylistic aspect of elegy in terms of form, portrayal, wording, rhythm and rhetoric. In the conclusion I presented the important results of the study mainly: Little elegies were made on girls, women wives and uncles. Sons, fathers and brothers, however, were included in most elegies. Many elegizing poets, whose work has not been compiled yet, were highlighted in this study. The form and structure of elegy on relatives were unified. Images and words were also similar because most elegies dealt with the same subject matter, death. They portrayed sadness, grievousness and sorrow on the part of poets in cases of bereavement and lamentation. Finally, I recommend that the same topic may be researched in the Mamlukian era which is an extension to this study.
اللغة العربية وآدابها , Arabic Language & literature
الزير، عادل محمد. (2009). رثاء الأقارب في شعر شعراء العصرين االزنكي والأيوبي ( 492-648 هـ ) دراسة مموضوعية وفنية [رسالة ماجستير منشورة، جامعة القدس، فلسطين]. المستودع الرقمي لجامعة القدس. https://arab-scholars.com/bdd3de