Development of TVET Pedagogical Competences and Qualification in Palestinian Universities (TVETCQ)

Wider Objective

To contribute to the development of curricula, research and effective orientation in vocational training and adult education in the Palestinian universities that meet with the priority requirement expressed by the Palestinian National Authority

Aims and objectives

The various issues related to TVET resort to different disciplines which must be mobilized within the framework of this project. At university level, it will first involve instructors of the Education department and those of the departments of Sociology and Psychology, Business Management and Economics as well as instructors of the disciplinary faculties (engineering, medical sciences, agronomy, etc.) who all have well-grounded training experience in their field.

In addition, the project will involve:

  • Members of the TVET directorates at the Ministry of Education and teachers from the vocational schools.
  • Members of the TVET directorates at the Ministry of Labour and trainers from the vocational training centres of this ministry.

It will involve partially in the framework of training sessions in Palestine:

  • Instructors from private community colleges.
  • Members of organisations and NGOs involved in vocational training programs.

As we pointed out in § E1, Palestinian universities are currently oriented towards classical education. They have not yet developed a cultural understanding and skill-set to address issues related to TVET.

The direct objectives of the project are:

  • Develop the skills of teaching staff in specific areas of adult education and vocational training.
  • Develop study programs on these themes.
  • Enable Palestinian teachers involved to liaise with the research groups and their counterparts from the three European universities (who will be partners of the project).
  • Enable the Palestinian academic and technical staff to design and develop training program skills required by the socio-economic sectors.
  • Promote the sharing of skills and inter-university resources aiming at the emergence of a Palestinian university network of expertise in the field of adult education and vocational training.
  • Develop, within the faculties of education, curricula that responds to immediate needs: higher diploma for teachers of vocational schools, vocational training organism, and a bachelor degree related to TVET. The proposal of these curricula is possible since they can use existing teaching units and share new teaching units (which will also be proposed).
  • Propose, within the faculty of education, a modular masters degree consisting of two higher diplomas. Each one could be offered to students already holding a masters degree.

Thus, when compared with this current situation, this project will contribute to:

  • The development, in the framework of the Palestinian universities, of multidisciplinary and dynamic approaches directed at TVET issues in direct links with formal VT institutions.
  • The development, within the faculties of education, of study programs and research relating to the different aspects of TVET.
  • The development of a core of a Palestinian competences network between academics, official actors, and trainers involved in vocational training and vocational teaching. This network will allow the pooling of expertise and resources.


Recent Submissions

Project reference number: 598665-EPP-1-2018-1-PS-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.