Contemporary Islamic Studies الدراسات الإسلامية المعاصرة
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- Itemدور التّأمّل والتّفكّر والتّدبّر في إيجاد نموذج الإصلاح الذّاتيّ لدى الأطفال.(Al-Quds University, 2019-05-19) مروة يحيى شعبان حمّاد; Marwa Yahya Shaban HammadThe research tackles an educational and skillful issue that is one of the most important skills that our generation lacks today, due to the rapid movement that prevails. The issue is: activating the system of self-reform in children by providing them with the skills of reflection, meditation and consideration. This has led the resercher to choose this topic and study its importance which stems from: What the skills of reflection, Meditation and consideration of the importance on the side of self-reform, and the promotion of faith in Allah, the Almighty, and what Islam gave children upbringing of children of great care, and hope that this study presents a new theory in Islamic upbringing of children. The significance of this study stems from: that none of the researchers, as far as I know, deal with this subject in a separate study, and that it presents a new theory in Islamic upbringing of children. The researcher hopes to receive acceptance from Muslim scholars and interested in, developing it, and trying to apply it practically. In research I used integrative approach: I used the investigative approach in the preface to define terms of rssearch, the descriptive and analytical approachs in the first, second and third chapters to extract the effect of reflection, meditation and consideration on the individual's faith, intellectual, and behavioral contexts, and to consider Quranic verses, Hadiths, and narrations to find practical methods to provide the child with the skills of reflection, meditation and consideration, and the activation of the system of self-reform. The research finded several conclusions, the most important of which is: that the children's self-reform system is not an imaginary system, but it can be activated by providing the child with the skills of meditation, reflection and reflection.
- Itemالتشيع في فلسطين نشاته وتطوره ودوره في المجتمع ما بين (1980-2017م)(Al-Quds University, 2021-05-10) حامد ابراهيم حامد نوفل; Hamed Ibrahim Hamed NofalThis study, entitled "Shiism in Palestine: Its Origin, Development and Role in Society between (1980-2017 AD)", aimed to shed light on the definition of Shi'ism in Palestine and to clarify the purpose of Shi'ism in spreading Shi'ism everywhere, as well as the view and opinions of some Palestinian factions in Shi'ism. Several reasons prompted me to choose this study, including what happened in Muslim countries of killing, conflicts between Sunnis and Shiites, and also to learn about the Shiites' future vision, and the way in which they deal with others. In order to be as truthful and genuine as possible, the study employs various approaches including the descriptive, historical and analytical approaches of data collection and analysis in order to achieve the expected results. In the light of the findings of this study, I recommends the following: - There are Shiites in Palestine, but they are few and they are in decline due to the revelation of the reality of Iran’s sectarian plans and its war on Islam, and that Iranian-Palestinian relations have gone through different stages according to the different political systems inside Iran, and the extent of Iranian interests, and that The Al-Sabireen Movement is a movement produced by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, and it is used to spread Shiism in Palestine in general, and the Gaza Strip in particular. The most important recommendations are: the need to unite the Palestinian factions in order to achieve their goals, and the need for the Palestinian people to benefit from the division and fighting that occurred in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen, and other Arab countries, and to avoid internal fighting. - The Palestinian political parties must achieve unity . - The Palestinians should learn lessons from what happened in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen as well as many other countries. and concentrate on liberating Palestine and stop internal conflicts.
- Itemإجراءات التقاضي في دعاوى التّفريق للشّقاق والنّزاع بين الأزواج في الفقه والقانون(AL-Quds University, 2022-07-20) يحيى محمود سلمان سلامين; Yahya mahmoud salman salaminتكمن أهمّيّة هذه الدّراسة في أنّها دراسة موضوع الشّقاق والنّزاع بين الأزواج في ضوء أحكام الفقه الإسلاميّ، وفي سبيل الوصول إلى ذلك قام الباحث باستقراء أهمّ ما كتب في موضوع الشّقاق والنّزاع في الفقه الإسلاميّ، وكذلك في قانون الأحوال الشّخصيّة الأردنيّ المعمول به في الضّفّة الغربيّة، كما أجرا الباحث عددًا من المقابلات مع رجال عشائر وقضاة ومحاميين شرعيّين حول قضيّة الشّقاق والنّزاع بين الأزواج وقد خلص الباحث بجملة من النّتائج والتّوصيات للمساهمة في إيجاد طريقة للحدّ من الشّقاق والنّزاع بين الأزواج. ولذلك أصبح من الواجب إجراء دراسة حول هذا الموضوع، لفهم أسبابه، والعوامل المؤثّرة فيه، والخروج بحلول تساهم في حلّ النّزاع والشّقاق، وكذلك كان لا بدّ من التّعرّف على بعض المؤسّسات الاجتماعيّة الّتي تقوم بدورها في تقديم حلول في حالات الشّقاق والنّزاع بين الأزواج. أهمّ النّتائج: 1. هناك أسباب كثيرة للنّزاع والشّقاق في الضّفّة الغربيّة، وكان أكثر الأسباب ذكراً في القضايا: الغضب الشّديد، والإهانات اللّفظيّة، والتّدخّلات الخارجيّة. 2. المستند القانونيّ لقضايا الشّقاق والنّزاع هو نصّ المادّة (132) وفقراتها من قانون رقم (61) لسنة (1976م). أهمّ التّوصيات: 1. ضرورة تقوى الله عزّ وجلّ في جميع الحالات ومن ذلك أثناء الشّقاق والنّزاع بين الأزواج. 2. ضرورة تفعيل الدّورات التأهيليّة للحياة الزّوجيّة قبل الخطوبة، وجعلها من الشّروط القانونيّة لعقد الزّواج. Title: Litigation Procedures in Separation Claims for Discord and Conflict between husbands in Jurisprudence and Law The importance of this study lies in the fact that it is a study of the issue of discord and conflict between spouses in the light of the provisions of Islamic jurisprudence. The researcher conducted a number of interviews with tribesmen, judges and legal lawyers on the issue of discord and conflict between spouses. The researcher concluded with a set of results and recommendations to contribute to finding a way to reduce discord and conflict between husbands. Therefore, it became necessary to conduct a study on this subject, to understand its causes, the factors influencing it, and to come up with solutions that contribute to resolving conflict and discord, and it was necessary to identify some social institutions that play their role in providing solutions in cases of discord and conflict between spouses. The most important results: 1. There are many causes for conflict and discord in the West Bank, and the most frequently cited causes in the cases are intense anger, verbal insults, and foreign interference. 2. The legal document for issues of discord and conflict is the text of Article (132) and its paragraphs of Law No. (61) Of (1976). Most important recommendations: 1. The necessity of fearing God Almighty in all cases, including during discord and conflict between spouses. 2. The necessity of activating the qualification courses for married life before the engagement, and making them one of the legal conditions for the marriage contract.
- Itemالنقوش الكتابية الإسلامية في البلدة القديمة بالقدس على الحجر والرخام دراسة ثقافيّة تحليليّة(AL-Quds University, 2019-05-06) ايمان موسى حسن جعافره; eman mousa hasan jafreh; مشهور الحبازي; إبراهيم أبو أعمر; شفيق عيّاش
- Itemالمرأة في القضاء العشائري والشرع الإسلامي دراسة تحليلية (الخليل نموذجاً)(AL-Quds University, 2009-01-31) تحرير شكري عبد الحميد حمّاد; Tahreer Shukre Abed Allhameed Hammad; محمد علي; شفيق عياش; مروان قدومي