In light of the increasing prevalence and drugs abuse among Palestinian youth, especially chemical drugs “Synthetic cannabinoids”
as indicated by recent Palestinian studies and official data. This study aimed at identifying the effects of chemical drugs on users from
the point of view of workers the main results showed that it is the most abused among young people known by various names such
as Hydro, Nice and Nice Guy. The reasons for its abuse and spread among young people are because of its accessibility, cheapness,
use misconceptions, curiosity of its use and ignorance of its health social consciousness, psychological and mental risks. Also the
most important psychological repercussions on the user is mental disorders that may reach the limit of schizophrenia, depression,
frustration, boredom and tendency to commit suicide, as well as the mood swings and emotional unity and a sense of alienation and
constant suspicion of those around him and aggression, which leads to many social problems with his relations, which may lead to
divorce or separation and family cutting him out. On the health and mental level, the use of chemicals affects the respiratory system
significantly due to toxic chemicals in the composition that enter the body of the user, which also affects the digestive and nervous
system in addition to the emergence of hallucinations and delirium. Chemical drug users have many health consequences such as
wasting, vision impairment, muscle spasms, loss of appetite and liver and kidney problems. Chemical drugs “industrial cannabis” are
consider legally forbidden according to the Palestinian Law and in order to face this problem and its effects an outreach treatment
and low enforcement should be implemented.
Through a qualitative study of adolescents and young men in East Jerusalem, the scope of this study
explores the “crisis in masculinity” that is occurring in East Jerusalem. In the course of this work, we
interviewed 45 young men and 18 young women about their concerns. In addition to violence, there were
other topics of concern that we identified in our prestudy of this work. This included their schools and
their views of sexuality, family, and communal life. This study aims to develop a comprehensive picture
of these struggles of Palestinian male adolescents in East Jerusalem, recognizing that masculine identity
is a key issue.
This study aimed to identify reasons behind women’s drug addiction in the Palestinian society and the social and psychological
issues that are associated with substance abuse and addiction. The study was conducted through in-depth open interviews with a
group of female addicts and as well experienced social workers in the field of addiction. The most prominent result of the study is that
women who have drug addicted family members are more likely to become drug addicts themselves and to suffer from psychological
issues and or be subjected to violence. Consequently, the study recommends providing psychological, social and health services for
women living in families with a drug addicted member.