(Physicians Postgraduate Press, 2015-12-06) AA, Thabet; Thabet, Sana Sabah
Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate the relationships between stressor
due to restriction of Palestinian movement, traumatic events due to war on Gaza
and psychological symptoms, quality of life, and resilience.
Methods: A sample consisted of 502 randomly selected subjects from five areas
of the Gaza Strip. Measures for collecting data include Stressful Situations due
to Siege Scale, Gaza Traumatic Events Checklist, Brief Symptom Checklist-BSI-19,
World Health Organization Quality of Life, and Resilience scale.
Results: The most common stressful situations due siege were: feelings of being
living in a big prison cannot finish some construction and repair work in their
house due to shortage of cement and building materials, prices were sharply
increased in the last few years. Participants commonly reported traumatic events
such as hearing shelling of the area by artillery, hearing the sonic sounds of the
jetfighters, hearing the loud voice of drones, and watching mutilated bodies in TV.
Males had significantly experienced severe traumatic events than females. People
live in cities reported more traumatic events than those live in a village or a camp.
As a reaction to stress and trauma Palestinians participants reported anxiety
symptoms such as nervousness or shakiness inside, feeling tense or keyed up;
while depression symptoms reported were feeling sad, and weak in parts of their
body. However, feelings of worthlessness and thoughts of ending life were seldom.
Females reported less stress and trauma, but they showed anxiety and somatization
symptoms than males. Only 12.5% said that they evaluate their life as good, and 27.1%
said they enjoy their life. Better quality of life is an indicator of wellbeing; females had
higher level of quality of life. While, physical health activities of daily living were more
in males was. Palestinians used religious ways of coping with the stress and trauma,
and 98% said God is helping all the time, they were proud of their achievements, and
had strong sense of purpose in their life. There were statistically significant positive
relationship between stress due to the siege and closure and traumatic events,
psychological symptoms, depression, somatization, and anxiety. However, there was
statistically significant negative relationship between total score of stress due to the
siege and closure and the total resilience factor and subscales, and quality of life. Total
traumatic events were positively correlated with psychological symptoms, depression,
somatization, and anxiety.
Conclusion and implications: In this study, siege and blockade situation was very
stressful. Such stressors due to siege had negative influence families especially older
age fathers who live in refugee camp and unemployed and living in poor families.
Such findings are trigger to start national and international advocacy campaigns to
left the siege on Gaza Strip and allow free movements and association, which may
decrease stressors and consequences and improve the economic situation of the
families and decrease poverty of the families.
Traumatic experiences due to eight days war on Gaza impact on mental health and
quality of life highlight the need for developing new training program including
subjects such trauma, impact of trauma, stress management, symptoms related to trauma such as PTSD, anxiety, depression and ways of dealing such
symptoms especially for fathers who live in the cities.
(2015-09-25) AA, Thabet; Abu Tawahina, Ahmad; Punamäki, Raija-Leena; Vostanis, Panos
Aim: The aim of this study was to find the relationship between war traumatic experiences due to war on
Gaza, PTSD, and traumatic grief in Palestinian children.
Methods: The sample included randomly selected 374 children aged 6-16 years. Children completed
measures of experience of traumatic events (Gaza Traumatic Checklist), Child Post Traumatic Stress Reaction
Index, and Traumatic Grief inventory.
Results: Palestinians children experiences variety of traumatic events. No sex differences in reporting
trauma. Mean traumatic events reported by children was 12.80 traumatic events. The study showed that 9.3%
of the participants lost someone during the war. Mean traumatic grief in boys was 19.96 and 18.29 in girls.
For PTSD, 1.3% of children showed no PTSD, 7.2% reported mild PTSD reactions, 29.9% showed moderate
PTSD reactions, and 61.5% showed severe to very severe PTSD reactions. Trauma exposure was significantly
associated with PTSD. No sex differences in PTSD.
Conclusions: This study revealed that children living in area of conflict and war are at risk of developing
mental health problems. Study showed that children with traumatic grief need psychosocial support from families
and community to enable them of passing through their grief. Moreover, parents have to be involved in all
activities given to their children and to be part of such activities to enable them better communication with their
children and being able of detecting children with pathological grief and enable them of helping children in
overcoming the effect of grief and trauma.