مدى فعالية استخدام تكنولوجيا التعليم في تدريس مقرر العلوم العامة لطلاب الصف التاسع الاساسي. مجلة جامعة القدس المفتوحة

This research aims at determining the extent of effectiveness of using instructional technology in teaching general science for ninth graders. The study sample was composed of 25 students at 9th grade at Al-Shuhada’ School at Halhul (2nd semester 2004-2005). An achievement post test was conduted for the students.The results of the study showed that there was effectiveness of using instructional technology in teaching the General Science corse for 9th Grade achievement in favors of post test. It was found that the instructional technology had been effective in achievement equaling (1.2) on Black’s scale of obtainment rate, and had indicated (0.6) effectiveness in achievement on Mac Geogian’s scale of obtainment rate. More over, there was a significant effect η2 (more than 0.14) on student’s achievements.Finally, the researcher recommends implementing the instructional technology in the schools, and applying the research on different subjects.