اتجاهات متدربي شرطة محافظة رام الله و البيرة نحو اثر التدريب على ادائهم الوظيفي

كفاح اسماعيل محمود أبو عودة
Kefah Ismail Mahmoud Abu Odeh
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AL-Quds University
جامعة القدس
The major objective of this study is to explore the attitudes of the policemen trainees of Ramallah and Al-Berieh governarate towards the impact of their occupational performance within the period from December/2004 to December/2005, within the existence of law performance rate phonenomina of the members of Palestinian Police system which negatively affects the level and quality of offered service for the beneficiaries. The study also aims at introducing the reasons behind this phenomena. The study’s sample covered (108) members of the Palestinian Police staff in Ramallah and Al-Berieh governarate who have attended training courses in several topics held by Palestinian Police system to train and rehabilitate the staff to promote its performance level, the study was restricted to those operating in Ramallah and Al-Berieh governarate for the considerable and good level of training they have got. Moreover, the study also aims at addressing training programs held for most of Palestinian Police departments in Ramallah and Al-Berieh governarate. The study consists of questions and assumptions that discuss the attitudes of the trainees of policemen in Ramallah and Al-Berieh governarate towards their occupational performance according to the variations of; age, academic qualification, period of training, training administrational standards. To achieve the objectives of the study, data and information have been collected from primary resources (books, references, and periodicals), and from main resources represented in the questionnaire of the active policemen who attended training in various topics within the period from December/ 2004, to December/ 2005. This questionnaire is of tow sections; the first consists of demographic data related to age, academic qualification, and training. While the second part consists of data related to occupational performance of active policemen. The questionnaire statements are developed in both negative, and positive aspects, and each statement is given a stated measure to estimate the importance, and significance of the statement, in addition to conducting interviews with trainers, trainees, and officials of police commands. And also investigating the formal and informal reports of Palestinian Police system on the training and performance activities. Conducting the statistical analysis of using Cronbach (Alfa ) factor reliability to measure measurement stability, and internal coherence of the questionnaire, it has been found that Cronbach ( Alfa ) equals (0.62 ). This result indicates that the questionnaire is of considerable stability that fulfills the aims of questionnaire. The study also uses several statistical methods for the purpose of analysis among which descriptive statistic like calculation repetition, averages, standerized deviations, and conceptual rates. In addition to the use of One Way Anova, and Scheffe Test for comparisons between mathematical averages, the most significant results of the study are the following The study results indicated the differences regarding performance which caused by the age change factor, also the scientific qualification factor, the change of time factor, the training department changing factor.quality of the training factor, which is changeable, the content of training also is chainable. The study indicated results negative indicators of training. Training doesn’t have required positive impact for the following reasons. Training contents and materials were distributed over participants after training sessions, which didn’t allow them to benefit from them as possible, selecting the trainees by their officials, and not according to their actual needs, training wasn’t connected with promotion encouragement or any other advantages, in sufficiency of training infrastructure like halls, and requirements, lock of colorful training methods, besides the school and academic way of dealing with the trainees by the trainers. Lack of specialized and transformal training, lack of sufficient time for training subjects like; computer, English language, and Hebrew language, most of the training courses were theoretical The study indicated results positive indicators of training which refer to the following, high commitment of trainees, conducting stage and continuous evaluation by the training program supervisors through following up the trainees, and communicating the Special Police department in the first stage or training, interaction of members of different ranks, and administrative levels, which provisioned future contact, and discussion, concentrating on participatory attitude in training, opening discussion topics among trainees, their officials and surrounding environment by the training. The outcome of the study could be stated by the following recommendations: Processing training according specific, sides, directions, and aims training that is reflected on police construction, scientific study to determine the training needs which gives training considerations, aims, requested concentration points, in addition to the other determinants with considering all different administrative levels, improving requested construction to increase training efficiency, and preparing the training halls that can be suitable for processing professional training, depending of training on group teamwork, and duties sharing upon general planing. Analyzing job performance of the police employee, and extracting results about difficulties that face him. To publish the positive effect of training and get the maximum utility, training must be for all police employees by a complete, and continuing from, giving trainees training fields jobs, and giving them enough time to finish that
التنمية الريفية المستدامة , Sustainable Rural Development
أبو عودة، كفاح اسماعيل. (2006). اتجاهات متدربي شرطة محافظة رام الله و البيرة نحو اثر التدريب على ادائهم الوظيفي [رسالة ماجستير منشورة، جامعة القدس، فلسطين]. المستودع الرقمي لجامعة القدس. https://arab-scholars.com/fbce52