السياسة الخارجية الأمريكية تجاه الإسلام السياسي حركة حماس نموذجاً

عطايا محمد أحمد ريحات
Attaya Mohamed Ahmed Rihan
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AL-Quds University
جامعة القدس
The USA Foreign Policy towards the Political Islam "Hamas as a model" The study aims to deal with the USA Foreign Policy towards Hamas Movement, and towards political system of Islam. Hamas Movement studies as an example of the Political Islamic Movements in the period between 1987 till the end of the tenth government formed by Hamas after its won in the parliamentary elections 2006. The study focused on the USA views towards Hamas, the problems that Hamas countered, the siege and the restrictions that aimed to topple it including the Zionist lobby impact on the USA policy against Hamas and becoming one of the USA and Israeli priorities during Bush administration. The reason to focusing on such study is because of its importance and it is an extraordinary model in the Middle East, an Islamic Movement listed on the USA list of Terrorists reached governance democratically. Also, the subject was not discussed widely from the Arabs and Muslims in comparison with the West interest in the subject. The study used the historic method, the analytical method, the descriptive method and the case study Method in order to reach the results and the recommendations of the study. The USA viewed the Political Islam as an enemy after the Iranian revolution and the collapse of the Soviet Union and then considering Islam as the alternative danger to Communism. After the events of September 11 and the domination of the Neo-Cons over the USA Policies, the USA administration dedicated itself to fight the Political Islam under the claim of "War on Terror". After the failure of the USA war on Afghanistan and Iraq, the USA administration adopted a Policy of Change and Reform and spreading Democracy, which includes allowing Hamas participating in the elections to contain it. But after the unexpected results the USA administration and the Zionist lobby followed some mechanisms and strategies to topple Hamas after it won such as: - Imposing an economic and political siege on Hamas. - Utilizing some internal elements to spread chaos and drag Hamas into the clashes and civil war with the Palestinians to make the Palestinians regret electing it. - The Israel threats to invade the Gaza. Despite the USA success to defame the reality of Hamas, attaching it to terrorism and the international isolation, Hamas must try to refute the claim "War on Terror", and it has to improve its media performances and to stop the Revolutionary Speeches that call for the destruction of Israel and to replace it with a new one which can be understood and approved in the west without touching the principles of the Movement. Hamas should specify part of its Satellite Channel programs to be broadcasted in English in order to counter the mass media that defames the reality of Hamas, to give the correct image and refutes the wrong allegations; also, it should cooperate with the foreign intellectuals who can help modifying the wrong image known for Hamas. Hamas should seize the sympathy of some European countries to establish diplomatic relations in high levels, this can be achieved positively after inviting the Hamas leadership to visit those countries after the Parliamentary elections 2006, to show that Hamas is an Islamic mainstream movement, and clarify that Islam is the religion of peace, cooperation, respects the human values and rejects killing innocents. Through this policy, the Movement will clear its position and enable the countries to build bridges of trust and pave the way for economic and political relations with the countries that share the same human values
الدراسات الاقليمية , Regional Studies