Community Mental Health الصحة النفسية المجتمعية
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- ItemPost traumatic stress disorder related to martyrdom imprisonment and home demolition(AL-Quds University, 2003-05-10) جميلة خليل ابراهيم مغالسة; Jamileh Khaleel Ibraheem Maghalseh; احمد فهيم جبر; تيسير عبد الله; محمد شاهين
- ItemThe prevalence of depression among health sciences students at Al- Quds University(AL-Quds University, 2017-12-16) عيسى رجا محمد ابوعرام; Issa Raja Mohammad Abo Eram; نجاح الخطيب; Salam Al- Khatib; Iyad Al- Azzeh
- Itemاتجاهات طلبة العلوم الطبية في الجامعات الفلسطينية نحو المرض النفسي والمرضى النفسيين(AL-Quds University, 2009-08-06) منذر فتحي موسى الطيطي; Monther Fathi Mousa AlTeeti; وائل ابو حسن; تيسير عبد الله; عبد عساف
- Itemاثر تطبيق برنامج ارشاد جماعي في تخفيف الاعراض النفسية لدى النساء المعنفات مراجعات المراكز الارشادية في محافظة الخليل(AL-Quds University, 2010-06-14) جميلة محمد طه دودين; Jamila Mohammad Taha Doudin; نبيل عبد الهادي; الدكتور تيسير عبد الله; الدكتور زياد بركاتThis study aimed to recognize the effect of the "Group Counseling Program" and “Psychological Pressure Eliminating Program" on women under violence in Hebron. The target group of this study consists of women under violence who visit the Psychological and Social Legal Counseling Centers in Hebron. The counseling program was applied in cooperation with the Women's Center for Legal and Social Counseling in Hebron. The study mainly contains (45) cases. They were selected by organizations that are working in the field of social and legal counseling in Hebron. The majority of the women refused to participate due to their special personal circumstances. The study's sample contains (22) women. The participants were divided into two main groups: the experimental group and the regulator group and each one contains (11) women. The quasi-experimental approach was used in this study, The purposive sample was chosen as a sample for this studyThe counseling program contained thirteen meetings designed by Manasra (2006) under the name of "Psychological Pressure Eliminating Program". This program was carried out in two and half months for an average of two-hour meeting weekly. The following strategies were used in the meetings: modeling, relaxation, discussion, dialogue, psycho-education, 8 and homework. In addition, the 90 and the self-confidence scales for Sydney Croger were used as instruments t in the pre and post test. The results of the statistical analysis show that there are significant statistical differences between the average of the experimental group and the regulator group at the indication level of (α ≤ 0.05) on the posterior testing according to the 90 scale. This means that the counseling programwhich was used for the present study reduces the level of the women's psychological symptoms on the experimental group. According to the 90 scale, these symptoms are depression, anxiety, phobia, obsessive compulsive disorder, psychosomatic disorder, aggression, interpersonal sensitivity, and extra diminution. The indication level of (0.00) and this level is considered statistically significant. In addition, the results show that there aren't any significant statistical differences between the average of the experimental group and the regulator group at the indication level of (α ≤ 0.05) on the posterior testing according to Sydney Croger's self-confidence scale. This proves that the applied counseling program doesn't affect the level of the women's self-confidence and that because the indication level was (0.12) it is not statically significant. The study's results, the researcher recommends that it is necessary to adopt the groups guiding method in order to help as many women as possible. She recommends also developing such programs and testing them to identify their effect on the women who are under violence.
- Itemاساليب التكيف النفسي عند طلبة كليات المجتمع المتوسطة ففي منطقة رام الله(AL-Quds University, 2010-06-16) ايمن محمد ابراهيم لبد; Ayman Mohammed Ibraheem Lubbad; نجاح الخطيب; احمد جبر; يوسف عواد
- Itemاضطراب ما بعد الصدمة الناتج عن صدمة الحرب والدعم الاجتماعي والأسري بين المراهقين في قطاع غزة(AL-Quds University, 1970-01-01) نيفين أحمد موسى الشيخ; Neveen Ahmed Mousa El Sheikh; عبدالعزيز ثابت; Bassam Abu Hamad; Osama Hamdona
- Itemالاثار النفسية والاجتماعية المترتبة على مرض الصرع(AL-Quds University, 2004-06-10) سلام زهير شكري المصري; Salam Zuhair Shukri Al-Masri; فيصل الزعنون; د.احمد فهيم جبر; د.حازم عاشور
- Itemالاضطرابات النفسية لدى المرضى مراجعي عيادات الرعاية الصحية الاولية في مدينة الخليل للفئة العمرية من 18-59 عاما(AL-Quds University, 2008-01-01) نائلة نعمان خليل الحرباوي; Naela Numan Khalil al-Herbawi; نجاح مناصرة; تيسير عبد الله; محمد براغيث
- Itemالاكتئاب بين مرضى الفشل الكلوي مقارنة بالاكتئاب بين مرضى مصابين بأمراض باطنية أخرى يعالجون بمستشفى الشفاء بغزة(AL-Quds University, 2003-09-21) كايد محمد مصطفى أبو سيف; Kayed Mohammed Mostafa Abu Saif; عبد العزيز ثابت; يحيى عابد; احمد طواحنة
- Itemالاكتئاب عند الأطفال وعلاقته بأنماط الشخصية لدى الوالدين(AL-Quds University, 2002-01-22) ناريمان سعدي محمد ناجي; Nariman Sadi Mohmmad Naji; كايرو عرفات; محمد شاهين; حازم عاشور
- Itemالإكتئاب و جودة الحياة لدى الشباب المصابين بمرض السكري النوع الأول في عيادات الأونروا في الضفة الغربية(AL-Quds University, 2015-05-02) لؤي جورج عبدالله الفواضله; Loai Goerge Abdallah Al-fawadleh; منى حميد; asma imam; ivona amlehBackground: Juvenile diabetes mellitus is one of the major chronic diseases which affects millions of people worldwide. There is an increase in the incidence of childhood type 1 diabetes mellitus which makes this disorder a major public health problem. Aim: To assess depression and quality of life among youth with Juvenile diabetes (T1DM) aged 15-24 years who attended 20 UNRWA clinics in West Bank. Method: A cross-sectional design was utilized to achieve this purpose. The data was gathered between the first of September, 2013 and finished at the end of October, 2013. Data was collected by using self reported questionnaire including 141 patients attending the UNRWA primary healthcare centers in West Bank. The self-reported questionnaire consisted of socio-demographic data sheet, Beck Depression Inventory Scale (BDI) and Quality of Life (QOL) and they included 57 items. Statistical analysis was performed using the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS), version 18.0 and were analyzed by the using parametric test such as frequency, T-test, ANOVAs test and Pearson's test. Findings: Analysis of the patients’ characteristics showed that the participants’ age ranged from 15 to 24 years old of which 38.3% were less than 18 years old, 51.8% were males and 48.2% were females. The majority of the participants (42.6%) lived in villages, 87.2% were single, 35.5% had elementary education and 36.2% had family income from 1,000For the medical history, 73.8% who were having diabetes mellitus for more than 3 years, 31.8% of the participants suffered from diabetes complications such as eye complications and 31.2% of the participants had psychological problems. The current study showed that the overall QOL for diabetic patients was (65.5%) and (47.5%) of them rated their quality of life as good and very good. They were satisfied NIS to less than 2,000 NIS monthlywith the social domain more than other domains and they were least satisfied with the physical domain. In addition, the current study showed that 41.1% of the participants suffered from the presence of depressive symptoms. Further, the findings showed that independent variables including gender, age, place of residency, marital status, educational level and psychological problems had significant effects on quality of life of the diabetes mellitus type 1 patients. In addition, the findings showed that gender, age, place of residency, marital status, educational level, diabetes complications and psychological problems had significant effects on depression among youth with diabetes mellitus type 1. Furthermore, the Pearson’s test revealed a strong inversed statistically significant relationship between quality of life and depression. The strongest relationship between QOL and depression was for the psychological domain and the weakest relationship was for the social domain. Conclusion: The study found that diabetes mellitus type 1 affected negatively quality of life of youth with juvenile diabetes mellitus type 1 and its four domains (physical, psychological, environment and social) and these patients had a high level of depressive symptoms.
- Itemالتعرف على مستويات العنف السياسي لدى المراهقين في غزة(AL-Quds University, 2008-05-27) أحمد محمد حسن الكحلوت; Ahmad Mohammad Hassan El-Kahlout; عبد العزيز ثابت; Bassam Abu Hamad; Ahmed Abu TawahinaThe aim of the study is to investigate levels of political violence that adolescence encountered in Gaza governorates and their effects on the mental health. The researcher defined two types of political violence: 1) Israel violence: acts of violence committed by Israel against the Palestinian people. 2) Factional fighting: acts of violence committed by two Palestinian political factions; Palestinian National Liberation Movement (Fatah) and Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) against each others. A stratified cluster random sample survey of 394 adolescents; (51.5% males 49.5% females) aged between 15-18 years were assessed. The researcher used descriptive analytical design to represent the entire sample of the population. However, the researcher used some of modified scales from which; Gaza traumatic events checklist for Israelis violence, Gaza traumatic events checklist for factional fighting, the revised children‘s manifest anxiety scale (RCMAS), child depression inventory (CDI), UCLA PTSD Index for DSM IV. The major findings were: the most common traumatic events due to Israel violence revealed by children was "watching mutilated bodies in TV" by 90.4%, the most common traumatic events due to factional fighting was "hearing the shootings and bombardment due to fighting in the streets" by 87.1%. The prevalence of severe Israel violence events was 23.6%. Theprevalence of severe factional fighting events was 22.1%. There were a significant association between Israel violence and factional fighting. The prevalence of anxiety, depression, and PTSD were 20.8%, 31.0%, 12.7% consecutively. There were positive significant correlation between anxiety, PTSD, depression and political violence. There were no significant differences between the means Israel Violence levels and factional fighting levels according to the educational classes, type of residence, number of sibling,mothers education, fathers education, mothers work, fathers work. The study found significant differences between the means of Israel violence according to monthly income, however, the results shown no significant differences between the means of factional fighting according to the monthly income. The study found significant differences in anxiety levels according to sex , but there were no significant differences in PTSD and depression levels according to sex. There were significant differences between the means of anxiety, PTSD, and depression levels according to the educational classes (10th class, 11th class, and 12th class). The study found significant differences between the means of anxiety levels according to type of residence, however, the results showed that there were no significant differences between the means of PTSD and depression levels according to type of residence. The study found significant differences between the means of anxiety, PTSD, and depression levels according to fathers education. But there were no significant differences between the means of anxiety, PTSD, and depression levels according to number of siblings, mothers education, mothers work, and fathers work. The study found significant differences between the means of anxiety, PTSD and depression levels according to Israel violence and factional fighting levels.
- Itemالتنظيم الانفعالي وعلاقته بالقلق لدى طلبة جامعتي الاستقلال والقدس(AL-Quds University, 2019-05-25) رزان زهدي كمال مرعي; Razan Zuhdee Kamal Maree; اياد الحلاق; زياد بركات; سلام الخطيب
- Itemالتوافق النفسي لدى طلبة المرحلة الأساسية العليا الأيتام في مدارس الجمعية الخيرية الإسلامية في محافظة الخليل لعام 2002-2003م(AL-Quds University, 2005-02-13) محمود محمد مصطفى عمرو; Mahmoud Mohammad Mustafa Amro; سامي عدوان; نبيل عبد الهادي; خضر مصلحThis survy was done by M. Amro, aiming at evaluating the degree of psychological adaptation of the orphan students in grad 8, 9, and 10. who are studying at the Islamic charitable society , in Hebron district. The population of the study was all the students in the previosly mentioned classes, and were 609 students in all, from four schools. The Islamic school for girls Hebron( 224), The Islamic school for boys - Hebron( 285), Al seddek school-Dura( 37), and Abdullah Ben Masoud – BaniNaeem( 39), Of all only 582 participated in the study. The male orphans were181 student, and 204 were not orphans, while 138 were orphan girls, and 86 were not orphans. The researcher developed atool depending on Hue.M.Bell tool for psychological and professional adaptation, that was translated to Arabic By Othman Nagati, and cosist of four dimentions:( the physical adaptation, emotional, social, and family adaptationThe validity of the tool was tested , by using referees( refereed testing), and the reliabilty was tested by cronbach alpha, the results were 82% and this is considered as a good reliability result. The study tried to answer the following two main questions -176- What is the degree of the psychological adaptation of the students studying at the Islamic chritable society schools? Is there any deferences between the degree of the psychological adaptation between the orphans and the none orphan students? The results revealed that the students in general has a moderat to high adaptation level, and that there is differences between the orphans level ofadaptation , and the none orphans, were the none orphans were having a better adaptation level in all aspects of the study. The study identify various elements that affect the lvel of adaptation such as: the student sex, age, economical, number family members, parents education, who is the lost parent( father or mother), and if the student is living in the orphanage or at home. The Recommendations: The researcher proposed the following recomenations: 1-There is a necessity to provid more care to the orphans specialy those in the adolescence 2-Orphan girls are in need of more attention and councilling to help them adopt better adaptation skills. 3-The orphan students who are living in the orphanage are in need of more attention as they are more affected. families. 5-The parents educational level play an important role in the psycological adaptation level of the students, so attention and opportunity for further education of both girls and boys as a future parents is neede. 6- Ther is a need to provid the student who experience separation, with psychological support as soon as he possible. 7-There is a need for multi dimentional services, for the orphans and there families, to minimize the hard life experience they are living. 8- Finally thr researcher recommende further studies, of the psychologica-There is aneed to take care of the economical status of the single parentadaptation in other settings for better comparison, and widening of variables.
- Itemالتوافق النفسي والاجتماعي لدي طلاب المرحلة الثانوية القاطنين في المناطق الساخنة بمحافظة رفح وعلاقته بسمات الشخصية(AL-Quds University, 2006-06-24) سامي محمود محمد منصور; Samy Mahmoud Mohammad Mansour; سامي ابو إسحق; عبدالعزيز ثابت
- Itemالصحة النفسية وجودة الحياة بين المسنين في محافظة بيت لحم(AL-Quds University, 2011-05-10) سهى مصطفى محمد مصطفى البطمه; Suha Mustafa Mohammed Mustafa Albatmah; نجاح مناصرة; لا يوجد
- Itemالضغوط النفسية والاجتماعية لدى المرضى المدمنين على المخدرات المراجعين لمستشفى النصر للصحة النفسية ، غزة(AL-Quds University, 2001-08-25) زهير مصطفى سليم أبو رصاص; Zuhair Mustafa Saleem Abu Rassas; صلاح السويسي; محمد عفيفي; يحيى عابد
- Itemالضغوط النفسية وعلاقتها بمفهوم الذات لدى المعلمات في قطاع التعليم الحكومي في مديرية التربية والتعليم - ضواحي القدس(AL-Quds University, 2011-07-31) ماجدولين محمد رباح صلاح الدين; Magdolin Mohammad Rabah salah El-Dien; اياد الحلاق; أحمد جبر; كامل كتلو
- Itemالضغوطات النفسية واستراتيجيات التكيف والعلاقة بينهما لدى المرشدين التربويين في مدارس شمال الضفة الغربية(AL-Quds University, 2012-05-15) صالح حسين صالح قرعوش; SALEH HUSSEIN SALEH QAROUSH; يوسف عواد; د. سهير سليمان الصباح; د. محمد أحمد شاهينThe purpose of the study is to identify the degree of psychological stress to school counselors in northern West Bank schools, and also to recognize adaptation strategies used by educators counselor and their dependence on the variables (gender, academic qualification, years of experience, age, marital status, place of residence and area of study), and examine the correlation between psychological stress and adaptation strategies. The study itself consisted (226) school counselors, the study was depended upon using the correlation and descriptive analysis, the study tool consisted from two questioners: they are psychological stress and adaptions strategies, finally it took the validity and reality for it. The study was analyzed statically using the SPSS package, it was used various methods such as frequency's, percentages, means, standard deviations, one way ANOVA, an in dependent sample test (T), Pearson's correlation coefficient, equation of consistency Cronbach Alpha, and test (LSD) for comparisons a posteriori between the averages. The study showed that the degree of psychological stress to the school counselors in the northern West Bank schools were at a moderate degree, where the means average of the total degree of psychological stress (2.4039) and standard deviation (0.46618). According to the association between the degree of psychological stress and demographic data, it was revealed that significant differences for psychological stress due to the variables sex among females, age for the age category (50 years and over), place of residence for those who live in towns, area of study for sociology, there were no statistically significant differences due to variables academic qualification, years ofexperience, and marital status. It was shown in this study that the degree of adaptation strategies with psychological stress to school counselors in the Northern West Bank schools were moderately as the means average of the total degree (3.112) and a standard deviation (0.384), there were nostatistically significant differences due to variables gender, academic qualification, years of experience, age, marital status, place of residence and area of study and the arrangement of strategies to adapt to psychological stress with school counselors was due to the importance of their use as follows: problem solving, acceptance and trust, reconstruction of cognitive and time management, control and monitor the stress, the search for social support , religious dimension, the use of the means of defense and of expression, self- preoccupation, and finally strategy sport exercise and entertainment. The presence of correlation at the level of statistical significance (a ≤ 0.05) between the degree of psychological stress and adaptation strategies for the school counselors in the northern West Bank schools, reaching a Pearson correlation coefficient of the total degree (0.240), reaching a level of statistical significance (0.000), as shown by a correlation between the degree of psychological stress and some strategies adaptation of the educators counselors, such as : (cognitive reconstruction and time management , problem-solving , sport exercise and entertainment , self-preoccupation , using of the defense and expression and the religious dimension). According to these results the study recommended a number of recommendations, most notably holding training sessions for school counselors in the field of mental health to ensure their ability to activate the face of stress and to achieve proper adjustment.
- Itemالعلاقة بين الصدمة واضطراب الإجهاد بعد الصدمة والمرونة والنمو بعد الصدمة بين المراهقين في قطاع غزة(AL-Quds University, 2017-05-10) مراد خليل دياب دواس; murad k. d. dawwas; عبدالعزيز ثابت; Bassam Abu Hamad; Samir Qouta
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