الاستشراق عند حافا لاتسروس يفه ؛ دراسة نقدية

إبراهيم فضل نعمان الشيخ
Ibrahim Fadel Numan Alshaikh
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Al-Quds University
Any researcher and observer is aware of the importance of Orientalistm studies and the impact of the Orientalist research’s thoughts that may be dangerous to the present and future of Muslims in the intellectual and doctrinal aspects. This holds researchers a huge responsibility in studying Orientalism deeply. This thesis deals with the heritage of a Jewish orientalist, “Hava Larsros Yefeh”, who has had its impact through its studies and research in Islam by reviewing what she has written and responding to the suspicions it raised about Islam. There is no doubt that this orientalist is considered one of the main pillars of modern and contemporary Israeli Orientalism, and an important reference of scholars studying Islam and its sciences from the viewpoint of the Jews. There is no Israeli researcher in the affairs of the Middle East in particular and Islam in general that has not quoted and benefited from the studies of “Hava Larsros Yefeh. This study aims to achieve the following: 1. Presenting what the Jewish Orientalist Hava Yefeh wrote about Islam, criticize it, and respond to it. 2. Presenting the approach adopted by the Orientalist in dealing with Islamic issues. 3. Verifying the association and relation between the Orientalist approach and other Orientalists’ approaches. 4 .Verifying the sources that the researcher relied on in her writings. 5. Reviewing the Orientalist’s meanings in the texts that she quoted. 6. Examining the approaches of oriental Jews and Christians in their studies on Islam. Methodology: After reviewing what the Orientalist Hava wrote from her sources in the Hebrew language with regard to Islamic sciences, I translated her writings and presented the suspicions she raised and responded to them . I adopted the inductive approach, the analytical method, the descriptive approach and the critical approach. This study was divided into seven chapters: the first chapter includes the definition of the term, its schools, its types and types of Orientalists. The first chapter also includes Orientalism in the past and in the present as well as the reasons and motives for Orientalism, and then the types of Orientalism. The chapter ends with Jewish, Zionist and Israeli Orientalism. The second chapter examines the life of the Orientalist Hava, her place in the local and international academic mediums, her researches and writings. The other chapters include the suspicions raised by the Orientalist Hava about Islam and its sciences and my responses to them. The study concludes with findings and recommendations that showed defects in the research methods of Orientalists in general, and Hava in particular. The study also shows the rash of suspicions raised by the Orientalist Hava about Islam, and the need for researchers to confront such people to show the truth. The conclusion of the study mentions the most important results and the most important recommendations.